Eugene Drewermann

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Eugen Drewermann at the Leipzig Book Fair 2010

Eugen Drewermann (born June 20, 1940 in Bergkamen ) is a German theologian , psychoanalyst , writer and former Roman Catholic priest. He resigned from the Church in 2005. He is an important representative of depth psychological exegesis and works as a church-critical journalist. As a prominent member of the peace movement , he regularly appears as a speaker at demonstrations and in his lectures promotes peaceful coexistence and non-violent international understanding.


Eugen Drewermann during his first US lecture tour in November 1999

Drewermann comes from a mixed denominational miner's family (father Protestant, mother Catholic). In 1960 he passed his Abitur at the humanistic grammar school Hammonense in Hamm . From 1960 to 1965 he studied philosophy in Münster and Catholic theology in Paderborn . In 1966 he was ordained a priest and worked as a student chaplain and from 1974 as a subsidiar in the parish of St. Georg in Paderborn.

From 1968 he settled in Göttingen in Neo-Freudianism trained and qualified as a professor in 1978 in Catholic theology. From 1979 he held lectures as a private lecturer at the theological faculty in Paderborn .

On October 8, 1991 Archbishop Johannes Joachim Degenhardt (1926–2002) withdrew his Catholic teaching license and in January 1992 the license to preach. In March 1992 the suspension from the priesthood followed. The cause were controversial views of Drewermann in questions of moral theology and biblical interpretation .

Drewermann works as a writer, speaker, psychotherapist and lecturer. On June 20, 2005, his 65th birthday, Drewermann resigned from the Roman Catholic Church and announced this to the public on the talk show Menschen bei Maischberger shortly before Christmas 2005.

Work and public impact

Core theses of his theology

Central to Drewermann's theology are the theses that A) man can only achieve his salvation by finding himself inside his soul and only in this way comes to God without external perfect theological truths, that B) biblical texts are essentially psychological and must be interpreted in the sense of great poets, since Christianity is about the fear-relieving effect inside the soul, C) that sin must not be understood in a purely ethical sense, but must be interpreted in existential philosophy as a state of despair inside the soul , which means that one should never approach people in a judgmental manner, but only with an attempt to understand why God should never be portrayed as a punishing God who could possibly even inflict agonies of hell, and D) that only then can one become one Healthy religious conception can be achieved if one considers all religions, all cultures and all art, Philo includes science and science, i.e. the infinite omnipresence of God is effective at all times and in all cultures and therefore important aspects for understanding God can be found everywhere.

In this fundamental, undogmatic framework of understanding, he interprets Jesus Christ as an embodiment of a perfect, true humanity, which should lead people in the face of God into an absolute trust that frees them from their radical exposure to their finitude, mortality and sinfulness under the perspective of absolute goodness . And only this can ultimately redeem man and the world, but not a fixed scheme of given, fixed conditions.

Central figures on which Drewermann's theology is based are Martin Luther , Sören Kierkegaard , Sigmund Freud , Giordano Bruno , Fjodor Dostojewski , Albert Camus , Friedrich Schleiermacher , Arthur Schopenhauer , Friedrich Nietzsche , Albert Schweitzer , Mahatma Gandhi and Buddha . In some cases he is quite critical of some of these greats, but even in these cases he recognizes their deep existential search, which is much more important to him than a seemingly coherent theology that does not stand up to the tragedies of many people.

Further aspects regarding exegesis, psychology and church criticism

Drewermann presented numerous depth psychological interpretations of biblical passages, fairy tales and other texts. He referred to psychoanalysts such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung and Heinz Kohut as well as Melanie Klein , Erich Fromm and Daniel Stern . He sees a specifically Christian moment in the therapeutic healing relationship with God, which could also be a basis for changes in the church and society. Others have compared his approach to traditions of Christian mysticism .

Central beliefs of the Roman Catholic denomination were symbolically interpreted by him and denied that these were events "in the so-called reality of external facts", such as the virgin birth , resurrection , ascension or miracles . He came into conflict with the teaching office of the Catholic Church.

He also fell out with the official church on the subjects of abortion , remarriage of divorced people, sexuality and peace politics , celibacy and the ideal of clerics . Drewermann sees, with parallels to Schopenhauer's theses, in the Abrahamic religions , in contrast to Buddhism and Hinduism, a dissent between man and nature. Because of its alienation from nature, which is anchored in the biblical heritage, Christianity is incapable of peace unless it learns again, especially from depth psychology, to reconcile with the inner nature of man in the images of the psyche, which then leads to reconciliation with the outer Nature could lead. In particular, the New Testament contains anti-Semitic and anti-Judaistic tendencies that should be taken back.

Public appearances and arguments

Drewermann in May 2008 at the 97th German Catholic Day in Osnabrück

Drewermann's approaches to content and rhetorical skills have made him a much sought-after speaker and commentator. He gave lectures a. a. in German-speaking countries, in Italy, France, the Netherlands, Canada, the USA, Mexico and Brazil. Drewermann is often a guest on talk shows . From 2008 to 2015 he hosted in North West Radio ( Radio Bremen / NDR s) Talk Radio telecast speech. He also interpreted nine Grimm fairy tales from a depth psychological perspective, after which he spoke to telephone guests about everyday situations. He writes regularly for the weekly newspaper Freitag .

According to Uwe Beyer, Drewermann manages to overcome distances and arouse personal concern in his lectures.

Further topics of his publications

Drewermann has been concerned with fairy tales (especially by the Brothers Grimm ) and other literary works for many years , which he interprets in terms of depth psychology and religious philosophy. He has a special affinity for Dostoevsky, whose work and person he has repeatedly interpreted. Topics such as addiction (“ The Gambler ”), Christian charity and “forgiveness of sins” (“ guilt and atonement ”) are in the foreground. He also published several popular scientific works on the relationship between theology and the natural sciences .

Political commitment

Drewermann has made a variety of general political statements. He strongly condemned the Gulf Wars, the Israeli air strikes during the Lebanon War in 2006 and the German military missions abroad. He criticizes capitalism , especially the interest system , has concerns about unbridled economic growth and speaks out in favor of the possibility of euthanasia . As a representative of the German peace movement, in 2008 he again called for the Bundeswehr to be abolished and for the office of military bishop (then Walter Mixa ) to begin. Mixa interpreted this as not being fraternal and criticized Drewermann's presence at church conventions.

According to Peter Neuhaus, Drewermann's work basically also has a political dimension with references to the political theology of Johann Baptist Metz . Drewermann supported the Left Party at individual election events and asked them to vote.

In addition, he campaigns for animal welfare and denounces the destruction of the environment . According to Drewermann, appropriate handling of animals has to take into account the degree of evolutionary development such as the animals' ability to feel and suffer.

During the abuse scandal in the Catholic Church , he expressed compassion for the perpetrators, whom he regards as victims of internal church conditions. At the same time, he condemned their actions and demanded not only financial reparation but also understanding for those affected.

Criticism and debate

Critique of Drewermann's exegesis and theology

The Curia Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger , who was responsible for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the time, expressed in a letter to Paderborn Archbishop Johannes Joachim Degenhardt "great concern" about Drewermann's public statements and instructed the Archbishop to take measures against Drewermann. When Drewermann had questioned the virgin birth as a biological fact in an interview with Der Spiegel in 1991, Degenhardt withdrew his teaching license for dogmatics on October 8, 1991 . A little later he was banned from preaching and an ecclesiastical procedure was initiated against him.

Repeatedly before, and later, too, biblical scholars have often criticized insufficient attention to historical facts in Drewermann's exegetical representations. He reduced the text to the inner soul dynamics of an individual. Instead of looking at community life and the church, Christian tradition and revelation are reduced to a principally interchangeable collection of texts on individual therapy. The then Cardinal Ratzinger spoke of a reduction of religion to a "psychotherapeutic trick" and emphasized the uniqueness of Christian revelation.

The psychologists Albert Görres and Helmuth Benesch also criticized Drewermann for focusing entirely on the subject of individual fear and thereby giving up genuinely theological aspects. The psychoanalyst and theologian Joachim Scharfenberg accused Drewermann of reinterpreting the concept of sin in terms of depth psychology. The psychiatrist and theologian Manfred Lütz emphasizes that Drewermann does not have a completed training as a psychotherapist, his analytical treatment of patients is sometimes "really dangerous". Lütz assesses Drewermann's method as a “ patchwork of CG Jung and Freud”.

The Protestant Heidelberg Old Testament scholar Manfred Oeming speaks of a “psycho- Marcionism ” in Drewermann. Drewermann criticizes essential aspects of the Old Testament and is completely arbitrary in his choice of text inside and outside the Bible. Accordingly, Nico Rubeli-Guthauser sees anti-Jewish clichés and anti-Semitic stereotypes in Drewermann's theology and political statements. In a review from 2003 by Drewermann, Klaus Berger states that research is completely out of date and that there is a considerable misunderstanding of Judaism. He also criticized Drewermann's regular "anti-Catholic sweeps". The publicist Thomas Lackmann states in the Tagesspiegel that Drewermann's “attacks on sexual teachings that split people up in order to rule them, his flagellation of capitalism and eco-pleadings confirm the common sense of political correctness ”.

The Basel New Testament scholar and psychoanalyst Hartmut Raguse accused Drewermann's theology of containing structural anti-Judaism . The Freiburg sociologist Albert Scherr cited Drewermann's theology as an example of “tendencies towards modernized theological anti-Semitism”. Drewermann's biographer Matthias Beier, on the other hand, claimed that Drewermann's depth-psychologically informed interpretation of biblical texts contributed to overcoming Christian anti-Judaism.

Reactions to Drewermann's criticism of the church

The constitutional lawyer Josef Isensee sees in Drewermann the prototype of the self-proclaimed church critic who seeks to distinguish himself in and at the expense of the church institution through radical theses and publications. Heiner Wilmer , Bishop of Hildesheim , according to Drewermann, on the other hand, is “a prophet of our time who is misunderstood by the Church.” In particular, Drewermann's three-part work: Structures of Evil and his book Cleric. Wilmer describes the psychogram of an ideal in connection with the allegations of abuse against the Catholic Church as "prophetic": "Even in the Bible, prophets were people who spoke the truth without makeup - and were sidelined or even silenced for it."

According to Micha Brumlik , Drewermann's approach harbors the danger of flight from the world and new inwardness . Instead of concrete official church structures or "tackling the political and social problems [...]", Drewermann only committed to a general protest attitude.

Christel Gärtner diagnoses that a practicable answer to the "problem of meaning" cannot be found in Drewermann.

Criticism of the general political statements Drewermanns

The Protestant theologians Uwe Birnstein and Klaus-Peter Lehmann insinuate in a polemic that Drewermann is psychologizing politics. Drewermann's fundamentally anti-political stance draws on romantic , conservative-reactionary German traditions of thought.

According to Uwe Beyer, in view of Drewermann's media presence, the “talk” about his person and theses has come to the fore over a serious professional debate about the strengths and weaknesses of his theological theses.

Publicist Henryk M. Broder took Drewermann's remarks on the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 as an opportunity to publish a harsh book about the German reactions and debates. Broder accused Drewermann of playing down Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism and looking for their causes solely in the behavior of the West and particularly Israel.


Works (selection)


  • Structures of evil. 3 volumes. Schöningh, Paderborn 1977–1978, ISBN 3-506-72100-3 (dissertation also accepted as a habilitation thesis in 1977; with imprimatur Paderborn 1976)



  • Psychoanalysis and Moral Theology. 3 volumes. M. Grünewald, Mainz; New edition 1992, ISBN 3-7867-0989-0
  • The real thing is invisible. The little prince interpreted in terms of depth psychology. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau, ISBN 3-451-04894-9


  • Depth Psychology and Exegesis (2 volumes). Walter, Olten; 6th edition 1992, ISBN 3-530-16852-1


  • The Gospel of Mark. Walter, Olten, new edition 1992, ISBN 3-530-16871-8
  • "You shall recognize them by their fruit". Answer to Rudolf Pesch and Gerhard Lohfink's “Depth Psychology and No Exegesis”. Walter, Olten, ISBN 3-530-16857-2


  • Cleric. Psychogram of an ideal. Walter, Olten; 7th edition 1990, 900 pages, ISBN 3-530-16902-1
  • "I'm going down into the sun's boat". Ancient Egyptian meditations on death and resurrection in relation to Joh 20/21. Walter, Olten.




  • What is it actually about. Record of a conviction. Kösel, Munich, ISBN 3-466-20356-2
  • Giordano Bruno or The Mirror of the Infinite. Kösel, Munich
  • When the sky touches the earth. Sermon on the parables of Jesus. Patmos, Düsseldorf, revised new edition 2004, ISBN 3-491-69407-8


  • Belief in freedom or depth psychology and dogmatics. Volume 1: Dogma, Fear and Symbolism. Walter, Olten, ISBN 3-530-16896-3 .




  • Jesus of Nazareth: Liberation for Peace. Volume 2: Faith in Freedom. 819 pp., ISBN 3-530-16897-1
  • That even the lowest of all be my brother. Dostoevsky - poet of humanity. Walter, ISBN 3-530-40048-3


  • ... and it happened that way. Modern biology and the question of God. Patmos, 976 pp., ISBN 3-530-16899-8


  • In the beginning ...: Modern cosmology and the question of God. Patmos, 1287 pp., ISBN 3-530-16900-5


  • Religiously caused neurotic diseases. Pabst Science Publishers, ISBN 978-3-89967-045-5
  • Eugen Drewermann - rebel or prophet? The uncomfortable theologian in conversation with Felizitas von Schönborn. edition q, be.bra, ISBN 978-3-86124-561-2


  • Moby Dick or The Monsters of Being Human. Patmos, ISBN 3-530-17010-0
  • If the stars were gods Modern cosmology and belief. In conversation with Jürgen Hoeren. Herder, ISBN 3-451-28348-4



  • Breath of life. Modern neurology and the question of God. Volume 1: The Brain. Patmos, ISBN 3-491-21000-3


  • Breath of life. Modern neurology and the question of God. Volume 2: The soul. Patmos, Düsseldorf, ISBN 3-491-21001-1
  • About the power of money or fairy tales of the economy. Patmos, Düsseldorf, ISBN 3-491-21002-X
  • The lawlessness of the creature in the Christian West or: from an important exception. Contribution to: Interdisciplinary Working Group on Animal Ethics (Hrsg.): Tierrechte. An interdisciplinary challenge. Erlangen, ISBN 978-3-89131-417-3



  • The Gospel of Luke. Volume 1: Luke 1: 1–12 : 1 . Images of remembered future. Patmos, Düsseldorf, ISBN 3-491-21006-2
  • The Gospel of Luke. Volume 2: Luke 12-24. Images of remembered future. Patmos, Düsseldorf, ISBN 978-3-491-21007-3




  • The big questions or: Talking about God in a human way. With Michael Albus. Patmos, Düsseldorf, ISBN 978-3-8436-0143-6
  • The seven virtues. Patmos, Düsseldorf, ISBN 978-3-8436-0173-3
  • Paths to Humanity. Of the absolute necessity of grace. (Based on the lecture given on May 18, 2012 during the alternative program to the Katholikentag in Mannheim , which is also available on DVD or audio CD.) Public forum .
  • Stories of lived humanity - or: How God walks through Grimm's fairy tales. Patmos, Ostfildern 2012, ISBN 978-3-8436-0236-5




  • Jan Hus in God's fire: impulses of an indomitable reformer. Eugen Drewermann in conversation with Jürgen Hoeren. Patmos, Ostfildern 2015, ISBN 978-3-8436-0649-3
  • Frontier workers. Rebels, wrongdoers and heroes in ancient myths. Patmos, Ostfildern 2015, ISBN 978-3-8436-0663-9




  • If only it scared me! About fear and coping with it. Grimm's fairy tales interpreted in terms of depth psychology. Patmos, Ostfildern 2018, ISBN 978-3-8436-1027-8


  • Cleric. Psychogram of an ideal. New edition with a current foreword. Verlagsgemeinschaft topos plus, Kevelaer 2019, ISBN 978-3-8367-0064-1
  • A love stronger than death. Meditations on Passion and Easter. Topos plus, Kevelaer 2019, ISBN 978-3-8367-1121-0


  • Matthias Beier: Eugen Drewermann. The biography. Patmos, Ostfildern 2017, ISBN 978-3-8436-0601-1 .
  • Matthias Beier: God without fear. Introduction to Drewermann's thinking. Patmos, Düsseldorf 2010, ISBN 3-491-72543-7 .
  • Uwe Beyer: The tragedy of God. A philosophical commentary on the theology of Eugen Drewermann. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 1995, ISBN 3-88479-984-3 .
  • Gregor Fehrenbacher: Understand Drewermann. A critical introduction. Walter, Olten 1992, ISBN 3-530-21021-8 .
  • Reinhold Gestrich: Eugen Drewermann - believing out of passion. An introduction to his theology. Quell, Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 3-7918-1917-8 .
  • Bernhard Lang : Rediscovering the Bible. Drewermann as a reader of the Bible. Kösel, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-466-20393-7 .
  • Michael Meier : The existential teachings of the church rebel. Eugen Drewermann clears out Christian dogmatics. The German theologian preaches a faith that lets the consolation shine anew in Christianity. Der Bund , Bern December 24, 2014, page 31 (background article).
  • Uwe Birnstein, Klaus-Peter Lehmann: Drewermann phenomenon. Politics and religion of a cult figure. Eichborn, Frankfurt am Main 1994, ISBN 3-8218-0457-2 .
  • Jörg Frey: Eugen Drewermann and biblical exegesis: a methodical-critical analysis. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 1995, ISBN 3-16-146304-8 .
  • Lothar Gassmann, Johannes Lange: What now, Mr. Drewermann? Inquiries to the depth psychological interpretation of the Bible. VLM, Lahr 1993, ISBN 3-88002-532-0 .
  • Christel Gärtner: Eugen Drewermann and the current problem of creating meaning. A case analysis from the sociology of religion. Humanities Online, Frankfurt am Main October 2000, ISBN 3-934157-04-1 . Contents overview
  • Walter Kasper (ed.): Depth psychological interpretation of faith? Inquiries to Eugen Drewermann. Herder, Freiburg 1988, ISBN 3-451-02113-7 .
  • Gerhard Lohfink , Rudolf Pesch : depth psychology and no exegesis. An argument with Eugen Drewermann. Katholisches Bibelwerk, Stuttgart 1987, ISBN 3-460-04291-5 .
  • Nico Rubeli-Guthauser: Anti-Jewish cliches and anti-Semitic stereotypes in Eugen Drewermann. In: Judaica. 48, June 2, 1992, ed. from the Foundation for Church and Judaism, Locarno.
  • Thomas Scheer (Ed.): Drewermann and the consequences. From cleric to heretic? Stations of a conflict. Heyne, Munich 1992, ISBN 3-453-05944-1 .

See also

Web links

Commons : Eugen Drewermann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. "The father was Protestant, the mother Catholic." ( Memento from January 16, 2016 in the Internet Archive ).
  2. People at Maischberger: 2005 - No more fun? ARD broadcast on December 13, 2005.
  3. ^ Drewermann, 1998.
  4. ^ For example, the psychologist Jochen Fahrenberg : Menschenbilder. Psychological, biological, intercultural and religious perspectives. Psychological and interdisciplinary anthropology. Institute for Psychology, University of Freiburg, 2007, accessed on January 30, 2020 . Online as an e-book.
  5. Depth Psychology and Exegesis, Vol. 1, 503; see. 298 ff.
  6. Uwe Beyer: Die Tragik Gottes. A philosophical commentary on the theology of Eugen Drewermann. Königshausen & Neumann, 1995, ISBN 3-88479-984-3 , p. 40 ff.
  7. a b Uwe Beyer: Die Tragik Gottes. P. 11.
  8. Freedom of Speech - Programs. Retrieved August 14, 2017 .
  9. Uwe Beyer: Die Tragik Gottes. P. 12 ff.
  10. See e.g. BE Drewermann: War is illness. There is no alternative to pacifism. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. February 5, 2002.
  11. ^ Speech for the Easter March 2008 in Bremen on March 22nd. In: Accessed January 30, 2020 .
  12. Eugen Drewermann: Spiritual reflection. In: Accessed January 30, 2020 .
  13. "Memory" as a bridging category. Impetus for mediation between the political theology of Johann Baptist Metz and the depth psychological theology of Eugen Drewermann. LIT Verlag, Münster 2001.
  14. Iris Mayer : Play me the song about socialism. In: Focus-online. June 4, 2007, accessed January 30, 2020.
  15. Numerous prominent supporters of the Left Party sign the election appeal "Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come". ( Memento from February 12, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) In: September 9, 2005.
  16. Cf. fundamentally Eugen Drewermann: More humanity with animals. In: . August 2, 1996, accessed January 30, 2020 .
  17. Eugen Drewermann in conversation with Christiane Florin : Drewermann about the Catholic Church. "I feel sorry for the clergy". In: April 22, 2019, accessed May 7, 2019.
  18. Documentation on the latest developments around Dr. Eugene Drewermann. For the Archbishop's General Vicariate Paderborn ed. by Hermann-Joseph Rick. Bonifatius, Paderborn 1991, pp. 348-349.
  19. ^ WDR : October 8, 1991 - Eugen Drewermann's Catholic teaching license is withdrawn. October 8, 2011.
  20. ^ ORF : "What do you think?" - The theologian Eugen Drewermann, on the occasion of his 75th birthday. August 1, 2015.
  21. ^ Gerhard Lohfink, Rudolf Pesch: Depth psychology and no exegesis. An argument with Eugen Drewermann. Catholic Biblical Work; 2nd edition 1988, ISBN 3-460-04291-5 .
    Drewermann's answer: "You should recognize them by their fruits." Walter, Olten 1988.
  22. Hannes Stein: Catholicism. Oases for the last Christians . In: Der Spiegel . No. 51 , 1996, p. 68 ( online - December 16, 1996 ).
  23. Hellmuth Benesch: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. Keyword: fear theories. Beltz, Weinheim 1995, p. 89.
  24. Joachim Scharfenberg: ... and the Bible is right, isn't it - psychologically this time? On Eugen Drewermann's concept of sin as a “neurosis before God”. In: Paths to People. 31 (1979), pp. 297-302.
  25. ^ Psychiatrist Manfred Lütz on church critic Eugen Drewermann. In: March 26, 2017. Retrieved March 26, 2019 .
  26. Manfred Oeming: Old Testament and depth psychology. Enlightenment or Freudian mistake? In: ThLZ. 120, 1995, pp. 107-120.
  27. ^ Nico Rubeli-Guthauser: Anti-Jewish clichés and anti-Semitic stereotypes in Eugen Drewermann. In: Judaica. 48, 2, pp. 98-113 (1992).
  28. Klaus Berger: Play it again. In: FAZ . November 21, 2003, No. 271, page 43. Review of Eugen Drewermann: The Gospel of John. Pictures of a new world. 2 volumes. Patmos, Düsseldorf 2003.
    Drewermann's answer in The annoyance of Jesus and his necessity - Eugen Drewermann answers Klaus Berger: The Christian Occident does not represent an exclusive form of being human. In: Weltwoche. December 19, 1996, No. 51.
  29. Thomas Lackmann: Stubborn. In: June 20, 2010, accessed January 29, 2020 .
  30. Hartmut Raguse : The structural anti-Judaism in the theology of Eugen Drewermanns. In: Gerhard Höver (Hrsg.): Responsibility before history. Reflection on the Jewish roots of Christianity. Bonn 1999, pp. 189-198.
  31. Albert Scherr : Expertise: Dissemination of stereotypes about Jews and anti-Semitic prejudices in the Protestant Church. Freiburg im Breisgau 2011, for Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste e. V.
  32. Matthias Beier: God without fear. Introduction to the thinking of Eugen Drewermann. Patmos, Düsseldorf 2010, pp. 201-203.
  33. ^ Josef Isensee: The future viability of the German state church law - present problems of legitimation. ( Memento of December 18, 2011 in the Internet Archive ). (PDF). In: J. Isensee, W. Rees, W. Rüfner (Eds.): Dem Staat, what des Staats - der Kirche, what der Kirche is. Berlin 1999.
  34. a b Wilmer: Abuse of power is in the DNA of the church. In: December 14, 2018, accessed December 14, 2018 .
  35. a b Joachim Frank: Interview on cases of abuse. "The abuse of power is in the DNA of the Church". In: December 13, 2018, accessed December 14, 2018 .
  36. Wilfried Köpke : We all love him. In: THE TIME. 42/1995.
    He quotes Brumlik: “He is leading his followers on the path of a fundamental, volatile protest. In the end, these people only deal with their souls instead of tackling the political and social problems they live under. "
  37. Christel Gärtner: Eugen Drewermann and the current problem of creating meaning. A case analysis from the sociology of religion. In: Research contributions from objective hermeneutics 1. Verlag Humanities Online, 2000, ISBN 978-3-934157-04-0 .
  38. ^ Uwe Birnstein, Klaus-Peter Lehmann: Drewermann phenomenon. Politics and religion of a cult figure. Eichborn, Frankfurt am Main 1998, ISBN 3-8218-0457-2 .
  39. ^ Henryk M. Broder: No war, nowhere. The Germans and Terror. Berlin Verlag (2002).
    Review cf. Michael Krechting: "Broder's book for September 11th. The selection of the inedible." - The mirror. March 26, 2002.
  40. ^ International Pauline Society. In: Accessed January 30, 2020.
  41. ^ After reading, a lot of applause for Eugen Drewermann. In: Westfälischer Anzeiger. September 10, 2013, accessed January 30, 2020.
  42. Prize of the International Hermann Hesse Society goes to Dr. Eugene Drewermann. In: Accessed January 30, 2020.