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The Faliskers were a tribe of Sabine origin or connections who spoke an idiom closely related to Latin (see Faliski language ), inhabited the town of Falerii and a considerable part of the surrounding area, perhaps including the small town of Capena down to the south.

At the beginning of the 5th century BC The Etruscan civilization was the predominant element in the city. For all of the centuries that followed, the city was included in the Etruscan League, sometimes in a leading position.

Despite the Etruscan dominance, the Falisker preserved much of their Italian origins, for example the worship of Juno Quiritis and Feronia and the cult of Dis Soranus by the Hirpi or fire-jumping priests from Mount Soracte .

In addition to the relics found in the tombs, which mainly belong to the period of Etruscan domination and which give ample evidence of the sophistication and material prosperity of the Faliski culture, the older layers brought more primitive remains from the Italian era. A large number of inscriptions, consisting mainly of proper names, can be considered Etruscan rather than Falisky.

The Faliskers came into conflict with the expanding Romans early on, also because they were on the side of Fidenaes and Veiis in Rome's war against Veii and Fidenae . That is why the Roman consular tribune Lucius Valerius Potitus devastated in 398 BC. The area of ​​the Falisker around the city of Falerii. In 293 BC The Faliskians were subject to the Romans under their consul Spurius Carvilius Maximus . Once again the Faliskers tried to regain their independence. They rose against Rome after the First Punic War ended . They were severely punished by Rome for this : the uprising was bloodily suppressed by the two consuls Aulus Manlius Torquatus Atticus and Quintus Lutatius Cerco . The capital Falerii was destroyed (except for the Juno temple) and the surviving residents were relocated to a new city, Falerii nova, elsewhere.

In Sardinia there was a town called Feronia, which may have been named after their goddess by Faliski settlers; dedicatory inscriptions dedicated to her have been found at S. Maria di Falleri.

See also: Civita Castellana


  • Gerhard Radke : Falerii. In: The Little Pauly (KlP). Volume 2, Stuttgart 1967, column 509.
  • Jacopo Tabolli, Sara Neri: The Faliscans and the Capenates. In: Gary D. Farney, Guy Bradley (Eds.): The Peoples of Ancient Italy. De Gruyter, Boston / Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-1-61451-520-3 , pp. 559–578, especially pp. 559–567.

Individual evidence

  1. Titus Livius , from urbe condita 4, 23; 5, 17; 7, 17.
  2. ^ Ovid , Fasti 6:49.
  3. ^ Livy, from urbe condita 26, 11.
  4. Pliny the Elder , Naturalis historia 7, 2, 19; Servius , ad Virgil's Aeneid 11, 785 and 11, 787.
  5. Livius, from urbe condita 4, 17ff.
  6. ^ Livius, from urbe condita 5, 8ff.
  7. Livius, from urbe condita 10, 45ff.
  8. Polybios , Historien 1, 65.