Farmland Bird Index

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The Farmland Bird Index (FBI), the stock situation of birds of agricultural landscape (especially arable land , grassland , fruit growing , viticulture ) represents and belongs since 2007 to the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF) of the EU for the evaluation of measures for the development of rural Space .


In Germany , the FBI is represented in the periodic report on sustainable development in Germany by the sub-index agricultural land of the environmental indicator 5a biodiversity and landscape quality.

In Austria , the FBI is created annually on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism (BMNT) from the data of the breeding bird monitoring, which is carried out with the support of Citizen Science .

In Switzerland the FBI is represented by the habitat guild "Kulturland" of the Swiss Bird Index (SBI®).


  • Norbert Teufelbauer: The Farmland Bird Index for Austria - first results of the changes in populations of common birds of farmed land. Egretta 51: 35-50 (2010). Online PDF (0.7 MB)
  • Roland Achtziger, Hermann Stickroth, Roland Zieschank: Sustainability indicator for biodiversity. An indicator of the state of nature and the landscape. Applied Landscape Ecology 63, January 2004. Online (researchgate)
  • Niklaus Zbinden, Hans Schmid, Marc Kéry & Verena Keller : Swiss Bird Index SBI® - Combined indices for the population development of species groups of regularly breeding bird species in Switzerland 1990–2004. In: Der Ornithologische Beobachter 102: 283–291, Sempach, 2005. Online PDF (0.3 MB)

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. European Commission: Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
  2. Norbert Teufelsbauer: Farmland Bird Index: Current development and the nexus to landscape features . In: Rural area. Online trade journal, edition 03/2015, ed. v. BMNT ( Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism ) of the Republic of Austria , accessed on June 3, 2019
  3. Indicator "Biodiversity and Landscape Quality" , Federal Agency for Nature Conservation , accessed on June 5, 2019.
  4. Indicator of biodiversity and landscape quality , Federal Environment Agency , accessed on June 5, 2019.