Fausto Correia

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Fausto de Sousa Correia (born October 29, 1951 in Coimbra , Portugal ; † October 9, 2007 in Brussels ) was a Portuguese politician of the Partido Socialista in the European Parliament .


Correia grew up in Coimbra and studied law at the University of Coimbra . In the early years he worked as a journalist for the newspaper República before turning to politics.

He was appointed to the Portuguese government under Prime Minister António Guterres . In the early 2000s he was in charge of the Loja do Cidadão project, a new type of business set up by the government in major Portuguese cities to increase efficiency and service. In the 2004 election to the European Parliament , he was elected to the European Parliament for the Partido Socialista , Portugal's social democratic party.

On the night of October 9, 2007, Correia died of heart failure in Brussels.

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