Feminist women's working group LISA

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Logo of the feminist women's association LISA

The Feminist Women Association LISA ( LI Electrical appliances S ozialistische A rbeitsgemeinschaft of women in the party Die Linke ) is a labor and community of interests within the party The Left . She works to ensure that feminist positions are consistently adopted in the party .

LISA was founded on May 26th, 1990 during the fall of the Berlin Wall and saw itself as part of the now dissolved Independent Women's Association . LISA sees itself as part of the left-wing women's movement , nationally and internationally. She is a member of the women's network El-fem of the European Left . LISA is committed to an emancipated society and is looking for alternatives to a patriarchal social system. In particular, LISA opposes any form of discrimination against women.

Within the Die Linke party , the working group was able to achieve a quota of at least 50% women for all mandates, as well as a quoted list of speakers and a quoted election. A 50% quota of all offices in the party Die Linke is still required. Other successes include the establishment of the Left Party's Federal Women 's Conference and the women's plenary at the Left Party's congresses. LISA was also able to push through the establishment of a women's officer at the Left Party.

The most important content-related demands include the creation of framework conditions in Germany for the compatibility of family and work as well as the abolition of § 218 StGB.

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