Ferdinand Brommer

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Ferdinand Brommer (born September 2, 1876 in Neusatz ; † May 3, 1947 in Nördlingen ) was a German clergyman and professor for higher studies.

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He completed his studies in Sasbach and Freiburg , where he was ordained a priest on January 3, 1899. After his initial pastoral work, he stayed in Rome at the urging of his bishop to continue his studies . When he returned home, he came to Busenbach as a pastor .

There his bishop encouraged him to take a position as a teacher with the missionaries of Marianhill , South Africa . In 1913 he made a quick decision to accept this call, left his parish and moved to Africa, where he worked as a professor for higher studies until 1920. From then on he worked for the clergy of the Marianhiller in Würzburg until 1922 because of the critical political situation the higher studies of the congregation were relocated to Africa. Brommer therefore went to Africa a second time for seven years.

In 1929 he returned to Würzburg and from then on worked as spiritual for the clergy of the congregation. Pope Pius XI appointed him papal house prelate because of his great services to the missionary work . On May 3, 1947, Prelate Brommer died in Nördlingen and was buried in the Reimlingen cemetery , in the middle of the graves of the missionaries from Marianhill.

His home community of Neusatz bei Bühl / Baden honored him by naming a street that leads from Schwarzwaldstraße directly below the parish church "Karl Borromäus" past the kindergarten through a new building area leading into Gebersbergstraße.


  • Neusatzer Heimatgrüße ; 30th edition; December 1985