Ferdinand Käs

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Ferdinand Käs (born March 7, 1914 in Brussels , † August 19, 1988 in Vienna ) was an Austrian professional soldier , active in the resistance against National Socialism and civil servant after the war .


Käs broke off his studies at the Vienna Technical Trade Museum in 1933 and became a soldier in Infantry Regiment 4 . In 1938 he married Else Drozda. In February 1941 he was called up for military service, most recently as a sergeant major . As part of a military resistance group within the military district command XVII , he was involved in " Operation Radetzky " for the surrender of the city of Vienna to the Red Army at the end of World War II . In order to prevent the destruction of the city by Hitler'sNero order ”, Käs contacted the leadership of the approaching Soviet army in early April 1945.

Honorary urn site of the Simmering fire hall

After the war, he joined the Federal Gendarmerie in 1946 as an auxiliary police officer . In 1958 he made up his Matura at the Stiftsgymnasium Melk , then studied history at the University of Vienna until 1962 and was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD . Käs then became Lieutenant Colonel of the Gendarmerie and Commander of the Gendarmerie School , later he was Section Head in the Ministry of the Interior until his retirement .



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Honoring Austrian freedom fighters. In:  The new reminder call. Journal for Freedom, Law and Democracy , issue 11/1977, p. 2 (online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / dnm.
  2. Hochwolkersdorf 1945 memorial room