Ferruccio Truffi

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Ferruccio Truffi (born June 7, 1859 in Casteggio , † January 13, 1947 in Pavia ) was an Italian chemist and pharmacist, professor of commodities and president of the Venetian Ateneo Veneto , also the head of the eponymous magazine, and 1925 to 1927 director of Venetian Institute of Economic and Social Sciences.

Live and act

Truffi studied chemistry and pharmacy in Pavia until 1884 . Even before his laureate he was employed by Guglielmo Korner in Milan as a laboratory assistant, where he became assistant ordinario in October 1884 . From there he went as assistente straordinario to the Regia Scuola di Agricoltura , at the Royal Agricultural College, then again to Pavia and from 1890 to 1892 after Monza to the professional Scuola operaia where he where he founded the Institute in the dyeing Applied Taught chemistry. From there, in 1893, he switched to the Regia Scuola Superiore di Commercio in Venice, the predecessor institution of the University of Venice , which was headed by the economic historian Gino Luzzatto . There he rose to 1,895 reggente in 1899 to titolare , 1907 professore ordinario , which corresponds to an ordinary professorship in Germany.

During this time he published in a series on the fundamentals of merchandise ( Fondamenti di Merceologia Generale ) several pioneering volumes on merchandise issues relating to textile fibers, paper and sugar. In 1896 he became socio des Ateneo Veneto , in the framework of which he rose. From 1900 to 1905 he was segretario per la classe di scienze , in 1905 and 1919 consigliere accademico of this class, then from 1911 to 1915 he was vice-president of the institute before becoming its president on June 20, 1915 - an office that he held his predecessor Filippo Nani Mocenigo took over. 1913 to 1915 was director of the eponymous magazine. There he published I vini della Grecia e della Turchia e quelli importati in Italia per la dogana di Venezia (1901-02) and Da Venezia a Milano per il Po (1904), finally in the 1912 anniversary volume Commercio e Merceologia . He also acted as president of the Industriali Chimici and the Unione Insegnanti Italiani per il Veneto .

The First World War had a major impact on the Ateneo Veneto. Thus the Comitato di preparazione civile , the committee for preparing the civilian population for war, then in 1916 the Red Cross, then the Società Dante Alighieri , and finally the committee for the front-line news was housed. The house's magazine continued to appear, but was reduced to a single fascicle towards the end of the war, and lectures were discontinued. On November 4, 1917, the institute was closed and the works of art were moved to the Gallerie dell'Accademia .

The Ateneo Veneto opened its doors again on November 23, 1918, and in February 1919 conference and lecture operations were resumed.

The Cà Foscari, headquarters of the University of Venice

In 1922 the Mussolini party came into power; in Venice the fascists under Davide Giordano had already won the elections in 1920. The fascists of Venice were hostile to Luzzatto's economic history institute for political reasons, but it was only with the consolidation of power after internal disputes that the pressure from the regime increased.

On November 16, 1925, Luzzatto was forced to resign under pressure from the Ministry of Economic Affairs. His successor until November 10, 1927 was Ferruccio Truffi, who resigned from office in November 1929 after disputes with the political leadership. In 1928 the economic institute was subordinated to the Ministero dell'Educazione Nazionale , the Ministry of Education. Nevertheless, the institute, as the only one of the original eight institutes of this type, retained considerable independence.

At the Regia Scuola Superiore di Commercio , Truffi had obtained the position of lecturer for merceologia , i.e. for goods science . He held this professorship until October 31, 1934, from 1927 to 1929 alongside the management of the Luzzatto Institute.

Truffi then looked for politically less exposed positions at the university and was initially Consigliere accademico per la classe di scienze (1919-21). He took over the post of auditor several times between 1921 and 1934.

Major works

  • Le pelli di cuoio , 1901 (in the Fondamenti di Merceologia Generale series , like the following works).
  • Prolegomeni alla Merceologia , 1903.
  • Le fiber tessili gregge nel commercio e nell'industria , 1909.
  • Lezioni di Merceologia .


  • Giorgio Reolon: Ferruccio Truffi , short biography of the Ateneo Veneto.
  • Pietro Rigobon: Ferruccio Truffi , in: L'Ateneo Veneto, anno CXLI, vol. 134.1 (1950), p. 58.
  • OT Rotini: Ferruccio Truffi , in: Gianfranco Scorrano (ed.): La chimica italiana , University of Padua, Padua 2008, pp. 306-308.


  1. His thesis (laurea) revolved around the eterificazione per doppia decomposizione .