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A honeymoon is a time immediately after the wedding that the couple spends together. The honeymoon is often combined with a honeymoon. The term second honeymoon is sometimes used when a couple wants to revive their marriage through a trip.


The term probably comes from the Old High German filtarazan ("caress") and the Middle High German gevlitter ("secret laughter") or vlittern ("giggle, whisper, kiss"). In the Economic Encyclopedia von Krünitz of 1858 it is said to define a honeymoon as “a joke, the first week in a marriage, where mutual tenderness is still evident in all its strength; In whatever sense one needs the tinsel month, if otherwise this tenderness lasts for a month. ”Here, too, it is assumed that the term“ [...] either because the young women in the first week still have those with tinsel wore studded wedding bonnets and ribbons, or of a custom still common in Nuremberg and already mentioned, because at a wedding it is customary to sprinkle tinsel in front of the bridal house ”, arose.

According to the English term honeymoon , honey month and especially honey moon are mainly used literarily, which are also old names for July .

Traditions surrounding the honeymoon

In the United States, many couples travel straight from the wedding reception to their honeymoon while the wedding party continues to celebrate. Usually the bride and groom look for a destination for the trip together. The tradition that the man books the honeymoon, on the other hand, is fictitious.


  • Urs Keller: “Just you and me”. Swiss bridal couples on their honeymoon. In: Swiss Archive for Folklore, 103rd Vol. (2007), pp. 1–20 ( full text )

Web links

Wiktionary: Honeymoon  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wikivoyage: Honeymoon  Travel Guide

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Duden, Dictionary of Origin Volume 7, 1963, p. 175
  2. ↑ Enter Krünitz Lexicon, Honeymoon Week
  3. Wedding custom "Honeymoon" - all common wedding customs and traditions explained in detail. Retrieved March 14, 2017 .
  4. Planning / booking a honeymoon, honeymoon & honeymoon - wedding & honeymoon. Retrieved March 14, 2017 .