Florian Philippot

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Florian Philippot (2012)

Florian Philippot (born October 24, 1981 in Croix ) is a French politician and founder of the right-wing extremist party Les Patriotes (LP). He was previously a member of the Front National (FN).


Philippot studied at two elite universities , the École des hautes études commerciales de Paris (HEC) and the École nationale d'administration (ENA). From July 2012 he was deputy chairman of the French Front National party. He was a candidate for mayor in Forbach in 2014 and has been a member of the European Parliament since 2014 . There he is a member of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection , the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and the delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly.

Philippots' partner is a French journalist.

Political positions

Philippot describes himself as a staunch Gaullist and has been a critic of European unification and the euro since he was a student . He supported, among other things, the election campaign of the left-wing nationalist Jean-Pierre Chevènement for the French presidential election in 2002 and the campaign for a No to the European constitution in the referendum in May 2005. After joining, he was largely responsible for the reorganization of the party's economic policy program was more economically liberal and has since relied on a strong role for the state and the preservation of the French welfare state. Philippot was considered a close confidante of the party leader Marine Le Pen , but within the party base he was controversial because of his commitment to Gaullism and as a graduate of an elite university, as is typical for politicians from other parties in France. Controversial within the party was also his strategy of opening up to the political center, known as dédiabolisation ("Entteufelung"), among other things through the disempowerment of the former party chairman Jean-Marie Le Pen , with which he tried to win as many voters as possible among the supporters of the FN centrist and left parties. Philippot was also an advocate of a tough anti-European line (with the stated aim of exiting the euro zone ) and thus tried to establish the FN as a reservoir for eurosceptics - the failure of this strategy is, according to his critics, responsible for the electoral defeat of Marine Le Pen in the 2017 presidential election .

Les Patriotes

On September 20, 2017, the FN chairwoman Marine Le Pen Philippot withdrew important responsibilities. Although he remained deputy party chairman, he no longer had any special duties in the party leadership. Le Pen responded to his refusal to give up the chairmanship of the Les Patriotes association he founded before the parliamentary elections in June 2017 , which saw itself as a discussion platform within the FN. Philippot then left the FN. At the end of September 2017, Les Patriotes was constituted as a party. Philippot and two fellow campaigners switched from the FN-dominated ENF faction in the European Parliament to the competing EFDD faction at the beginning of October . In contrast to the FN, which was renamed Rassemblement National, the Patriotes continued to bet on France's exit from the euro ("Frexit") and aimed for an election result of over 5% in the European elections in May 2019 ; polls in summer 2018 were around 1% of the Voting intentions; the party ultimately only achieved 0.65% and received no parliamentary seat.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. LeFigaro: F. Philippot devient vice-président du FN
  2. European Parliament: Florian Philippot
  3. LePoint: "Closer" révèle l'homosexualité de Florian Philippot
  4. FASZ May 10, 2015, p. 10 / Michaela Wiegel : Schwul, smart und national . Quote: your "most important man, your chief strategist and idea generator."
  5. Florian Philippot pourra-t-il longtemps survivre au paradoxe de son lien très fort avec Marine Le Pen et très faible avec le FN? . In: Atlantico . July 30, 2015, accessed September 22, 2017 (French).
  6. Hugo Domenach: L'homme qui peut faire éclater le FN. Tensions: Florian Philippot, chouchou de Marine Le Pen, horripile sa nièce, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, et les identitaires du parti . Le Point , n ° 2313 (January 5, 2017), pp. 24-28.
  7. Florian Philippot et la sortie de l'euro, les bouc-émissaires du revers de Marine Le Pen à l'élection présidentielle . In: Huffington Post . May 8, 2017, accessed May 15, 2017 (French).
  8. ^ Front National Vice Florian Philippot leaves the party . In: NZZ . September 21, 2017. Retrieved September 22, 2017.
  9. www.theparliamentmagazine.eu
  10. JDD: Près d'un an après avoir quitté le FN, Florian Philippot n'a pas réussi son pari , July 19, 2018, accessed on September 3, 2018 (French)