Francesc Cambó

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Francesc Cambó
Cambó monument in his birthplace Verges

Francesc Cambó i Batlle (born September 2, 1876 in Verges near Girona , † April 30, 1947 in Buenos Aires ) was a Catalan , conservative politician, founder and head of the Lliga Regionalista and a minister in various Spanish governments. In 1936 he financed the coup against the Second Spanish Republic .

First years

Francesc Cambó studied law, philosophy and literature at the Universitat de Barcelona . In 1901 he founded the Lliga Regionalista de Catalunya and was elected to the city council of Barcelona. In 1907 he even represented Barcelona as a member of parliament, but was voted out of office again in 1910.

Political activity

Cambó fought for an Estatut d'autonomia , d. H. the formal autonomy of Catalonia to solve the Catalan problem , but also accepted the Mancomunitat de Catalunya as a compromise solution.

After the early death of Enric Prat de la Riba in August 1917, he became the leader of the Lliga Regionalista. In the Montaner IV cabinet (March to November 1918), a coalition government, he was Minister for Infrastructure and Public Construction Projects; In the Montaner V cabinet (August 14, 1921 to March 8, 1922) he was Minister of Finance.

In the elections of 1931, which led to the Second Spanish Republic, he did not succeed in winning a seat of parliament, after which he emigrated abroad. From 1933 to 1936 he returned to parliament. When the Spanish Civil War broke out , he was in Switzerland. At first he was against the insurgent soldiers; however, for fear of a leftist republic, he eventually joined them. After the war he lived in Switzerland, the USA and Argentina, where he died in 1947.

He is buried in the Cementiri de Montjuïc (Barcelona).

Cultural work

Cambó was also an important patron of numerous artistic and cultural activities. In 1922 he founded the Fundació Bernat Metge , which translated numerous classical ancient texts into Catalan. Another highlight is the Fundació Bíblica Catalana , which translated the entire Bible into Catalan based on the original texts.

Web links

Individual evidence
