Franz Xaver Reiner

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Franz Xaver Reiner (born December 1, 1790 in Bregenz ; † 1837 ) was a German pediatrician and founder of an institution that was the forerunner of the first children's outpatient clinic in Munich.

Live and act

Franz Xaver Reiner received his medical training in Innsbruck, Landshut, Würzburg, Erlangen and Vienna. In 1815 he completed a two-year training course in several clinics in England. In 1817 he settled in Munich as a doctor for the poor. In addition to the treatment of adult eye and hearing disorders, he focused above all on the inadequate medical care for children and adolescents at the time.

On January 5, 1818, he opened a consultation hour in his apartment at Löwengrube 5 in Munich under the name Reinersche visiting institution for sick children and eye patients, in order to be able to help the destitute sick free of charge. Initially, private donors supported the institution, from 1825 onwards Prince Karl of Bavaria made annual financial contributions. In 1827, this first polyclinic moved into its own house at Viktualienmarkt No. 9, the former gendarmerie building. In 1829 Queen Therese , Ludwig I's wife , took over the protectorate. From these beginnings pediatric originated in 1849, the first children's clinic in Munich, the 1998 Dr. von Haunersche Children's Hospital rose.


Individual evidence

  1. Klaudia Tomasevic: Medical care for children in the mid-19th century using the example of Würzburg , PDF , p. 35, accessed on March 4, 2011.
  2. MedReport - organ for medical training congresses (edition 22, 32nd volume, August 2008, p. 1)