Export restriction

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Export restriction is a restriction on the amount of goods that are exported to other countries. A distinction is made between voluntary export restrictions , export restrictions and export bans .

Voluntary export restriction

The voluntary export restriction is a non-tariff trade barrier. One country voluntarily limits the amount of goods exported to another country. In its economic effects, the voluntary export restriction is similar to an import quota in the importing country and is usually initiated at its request. However, it has political and legal advantages over the import quota. It is always more expensive for the importing country than a volume-equivalent tariff, since the tariff income is no longer applicable and instead benefits the exporting country. Much of the cost is attributable to such income transfers, not to efficiency losses.

A well-known example is Japan's 1981 commitment not to export more than 1.68 million automobiles to the United States. The quota was increased to 1.85 million in 1984 and 1985 and then expired. The background was the reorientation of automobile demand in the USA away from globally unique large models to smaller models in the wake of the second oil crisis and the lower production costs of the Japanese manufacturers. Strong political forces in the US demanded that domestic industries be protected. The US did not want to risk a trade war through unilateral import restrictions. However, Japan feared this and an agreement was reached. The result of this voluntary export restriction was higher prices for Japanese cars in the USA and higher profits for Japanese companies. The U.S. government estimated the total cost of this trade restriction to be $ 3.2 billion.

Export restriction

Export restrictions include all government measures that restrict or prohibit exports. Examples are embargoes and tariffs .

Export ban

The state prohibits the export of certain goods to certain countries through an export ban. There are often export bans for armaments.

Individual evidence

  1. Export restriction. Gabler Economic Lexicon.
  2. voluntary export restriction. Gabler Economic Lexicon.
  3. ^ A b Paul Krugman & Maurice Obstfeld: International Economy: Theory and Politics of Foreign Trade . Pearson Studies, 2009 (eighth edition). ISBN 3827373611 . Pp. 260-70.
  4. Export restriction. Gabler Economic Lexicon.
  5. Export ban. Gabler Economic Lexicon.