Friedrich Gisinger

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Friedrich Gisinger (born July 23, 1888 in Basel , † January 1, 1964 in Freiburg ) was a German classical philologist and high school teacher.

After graduating from high school in Karlsruhe in 1908, Gisinger studied classical philology in Heidelberg and Berlin . On November 6, 1917 he was at the University of Heidelberg with Franz Boll with the work The Earth Description of Eudoxus of Knidos. Book I. Asia PhD. From 1913 to 1953 he worked as a high school teacher in Durlach, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Wertheim, Rastatt, Baden-Baden, Pforzheim, Colmar and Freiburg. In Freiburg he taught Greek, Latin and Hebrew at the Berthold-Gymnasium , and since 1947 Hebrew at the theological faculty. In 1951 he was appointed honorary professor for ancient geography at the University of Freiburg .

In the 1920s Gisinger was entrusted with the edition of the fifth section of the fragments of the Greek historians by Felix Jacoby , which should contain the geographical fragments. However, he was unable to finish this work; it is currently being completed under the direction of Hans-Joachim Gehrke . In his specialty, ancient geography, he wrote numerous articles for Paulys Realencyclopadie der classical antiquity , especially in 1924 the overview article geography .

His estate is in the Bavarian State Library .

Fonts (selection)

  • The description of the earth by Eudoxus from Knidos . Teubner, Leipzig 1921.
  • Geography . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classical antiquity. Supplement Volume 4, 1924, Col. 521-685.
  • On the geographical basis of Plato's Atlantis . In: Klio 26, 1933, pp. 32-38.


  • Friedrich Gisinger: CV. In the Diss. Leipzig 1917, p. 36.
  • Ilona Opelt : Friedrich Gisinger (1888–1964) . In: Eikasmós 4, 1993, p. 189, ( PDF, chargeable ).
  • Eckhard Wirbelauer : The scientific staff of the Freiburg Faculty of Philosophy (1910-1970) . In: Eckhardt Wirbelauer (Ed.): The Freiburg Philosophical Faculty 1920–1960. Members - structures - networks . Freiburg, Munich 2006, p. 925.