Friedrich Ludwig Sander

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Friedrich Ludwig Sander (born October 6, 1783 in Frose ; † May 9, 1846 in Eisleben ) was a German mountain master .

Friedrich Ludwig Sander was born in Frose in 1783 . In 1814 he got married to Johanne Erdmuthe geb. Sable (1797–1864). He is Enno Sander's uncle .

Sander was a member of the Mining Authority in Rothenburg (Saale) , and later in Eisleben . In 1813 he was a mountain clerk . He was also a household clerk and from 1812 to 1813 a mountain school teacher. He was chief driver (1817) and mountain master at the Bergamt zu Eisleben (1846).

Both the Sanderschacht (east of the highway between Hergisdorf-Kreisfeld and Helbra ) and the Ludwig-Schacht (west of Gerbstedt in Revier XXXII) were named after him.

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