Hook switch

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Historical telephone with hook for telephone receiver
EB08 telephone from Zettler with fork
Circuit diagram with hook switch

The hook switch is a component of analog telephone sets . Other names are hook switch and engl. hook switch .

It is used for signaling on the connection line to the exchange or telephone system . The signaling that the hook switch takes over are the seizure (connection request) and the release (connection end). The hook switch triggers the switching on of the telephone when the telephone receiver is picked up. In the case of an incoming call, the call is accepted by picking up the phone; if the phone is picked up without an incoming call, the phone is set to standby (you can hear the dial tone ).
The name hook switch comes from the time when telephones had a fork-like device to support the telephone receiver (see picture of the W38 and EB08 telephones).

See also: Call station circuit , A2 circuit