Game Developers Conference

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Logo of the Developers Conference 2010
Entrance to the San Jose Convention Center, GDC 2004

The Game Developers Conference , or GDC for short , is an annual event in San Francisco for computer game developers . The GDC was founded in 1987 by Chris Crawford under the name Computer Game Developers Conference (CGDC).

At GDC, industry giants such as John Carmack , Peter Molyneux and Tim Sweeney speak about the latest technologies and changes in the market.

There are lectures in which new technologies are presented and discussed. In addition, the latest developments are shown and the Game Developers Choice Awards are presented. At GDC 2004, for example, the Unreal Engine 3.0 was shown to the public, which impressed with its per-pixel lighting, the high number of polygons and the new developer tools.

The GDC is accompanied by the media. Accordingly, conversations with developers and publishers can be found on the Internet during the fair .

Regional conferences

In addition to the CGDC, there are the regional areas GDC Online (formerly GDC Austin ), GDC China and GDC Europe .

GDC Europe took place in advance of gamescom at koelnmesse , most recently in 2016. The organizer announced at the end of 2016 that the event would not be continued and that GDC in San Francisco would be expanded instead.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. : GDC Europe game developer conference deleted from December 12, 2016 (accessed on December 12, 2016)