Gas jet deflector

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Folded up gas jet deflector on board the USS Nimitz , the F-14 Tomcat, which is lined up for takeoff directly behind it, is protected from the exhaust jets of the aircraft taking off

The hinged Gasstrahlabweiser ( Jetblast Deflector , JBD ) on the flight deck of aircraft carriers to protect crew members and other aircraft located on the deck in front of the hot exhaust jets blasting machines. The deflectors are located approx. 20 meters behind the respective starting position of the catapult sections. The deflector is also activated when propeller-driven aircraft such as the Grumman E-2 Hawkeye or the Grumman Greyhound take off.


Behind the jet aircraft , after they have rolled forward to the start of the catapult stretch, a rectangular section of the steel flight deck floor is opened at an angle using a hydraulic system. This deflects the exhaust gas jets that arise when the engines are started up before catapulting at an angle of approx. 45 ° upwards. This means that the next aircraft to be taken off can be positioned immediately behind the deflector.