Hostage taking (Switzerland)

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As hostage-taking under Art. 185 of the Criminal Code refers to the criminal law of Switzerland , a coercion .


Art. 185 StGB reads:

"Who someone deprived of freedom, kidnapped or its otherwise taken possession to a third party to act, omission or acquiescence necessary ,
who exploits the body set up by another in this way able to compel a third party,
is with imprisonment not punished under a year. "

The protected legal interest of the hostage-taking is the freedom of the hostage as well as the freedom of the third party. After jurisprudence of the Federal Court must "be under the third party each person understood that is identical with neither the perpetrators nor the hostage." The otherwise-usurping requires no specific duration and will have no liberty to be . There is therefore also hostage-taking in the constellation of the so-called triangular robbery.


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Individual evidence

  1. BGE 111 IV 144