General trade

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As a general trade those operations that apply goods and services the country's borders exceed one State.

It should be noted that crossing a national border does not immediately mean crossing the customs border . The goods can also be delivered to duty-free areas , customs warehouses or free port warehouses, where they can be refined or processed so that they are then ready for onward transport.

This transport can then only take place over the customs border (domestic) or over another national border (foreign).

In general trade, only the crossing of national borders is registered, so the following processes are considered general trade:

  1. on the export side ( export ):
    • the export from a customs area (national and customs borders are crossed)
    • the export of goods from customs-free areas or goods that are in customs warehouses and free port warehouses (only the national border is crossed, goods are stored / refined in the customs-free area and then exported again).
  2. on the import side ( import ):
    • the import into the customs area (national and customs borders are crossed)
    • the import into a customs free zone, customs warehouse or a free port
    • NOT the import from duty-free areas, customs warehouses or free ports into the customs area

See also