Geographical Society Munich

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The Geographische Gesellschaft München eV is a non-profit, scientific association promoting geography in general and Bavarian regional studies in particular. The seat of the association is the Department of Geography at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . The association was editor of the communications of the Geographische Gesellschaft München until the series with volume 90 was discontinued in 2008.

The chairman from 2000 to 2014 was Otfried Baume . Carola Küfmann was chairman from 2014 to 2016, and Otfried Baume took over this position again in 2016.

The association was founded in 1869 under the protectorate of the ruling royal family in Munich . It is the oldest of the three geographic societies in Bavaria and was the fifth geographic society in Central Europe at all. At the beginning of 2011 the society had 497 members. The association has its own youth organization called "Junge Geographen München".

Known members

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