Georg Albrecht (East Frisia)

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Prince Georg Albrecht ( Johann Conrad Eichler , 1718)
Princess Sophie Caroline

Georg Albrecht (born June 13, 1690 , † June 11, 1734 at Sandhorst Castle near Aurich ) from the Cirksena family was the fourth prince to rule the county of East Friesland from 1708 to 1734 .


Georg Albrecht was the second son of Prince Christian Eberhard . He ruled at a rather difficult time: the country was badly hit by the Christmas flood in 1717 . This fell victim to 2,752 people and large areas of land were devastated. The conflict between the Princely House and the Estates also erupted again during his reign.

Prince Georg Albrecht in his younger years

During his reign there was an appeal war in 1726/1727 , which resulted from a renewed conflict between the prince and some of the estates. Georg Albrecht emerged victorious from this conflict. Even the city of Emden , at the head of the unruly estates, submitted. Due to the poor negotiating skills of Georg Albrecht's Chancellor, Enno Rudolph Brenneysen , the parties involved in the conflict did not subsequently come to a peaceful agreement. Although the chancellor and the prince demanded severe punishment of the renitents, they were amnestied by the emperor in 1732 .

On September 23, 1709, Georg Albrecht married Princess Christine Luise von Nassau-Idstein . They had four children, of whom the son Carl-Edzard was the youngest. The three older siblings died before they were even one year old. Christine Luise died on April 13, 1723 at the age of 32.

Prince Georg Albrecht founded the Sielhafen Carolinensiel , now a museum harbor , in 1729/1730 . The place was named after his second wife, Sophie Karoline von Brandenburg-Kulmbach , daughter of Christian Heinrich , whom he married on December 8, 1723. She received the domain Fürstinnen-Grashaus in Carolinengroden as a gift from the prince near the village , from which she received income until her death in 1764.

When Prince Georg Albrecht died on June 11, 1734, Carl Edzard took over the official duties at the age of 18 as the last living descendant of Georg Albrecht. However, even he was unable to resolve the conflicts with the estates.


In 1715 Georg Albrecht issued the world's first stallion licensing regulations . In order to cope with alcohol addiction in the country, Georg Albrecht banned the bossel competitions on February 9, 1731 . He condemned the events because of "a lot of disorder and drinking, eating, scolding, horrible swearing, severe beating and wounding". This also strained the relationship between the prince and his subjects.

See also


  • Martin Jhering: Court life in East Frisia. The princely residence Aurich in 1728. Hahn, Hannover 2005, ISBN 3-7752-6023-4 ( Publications of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen 223), (At the same time: Göttingen, Univ., Master's thesis, 2002).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Rolf Uphoff: GEORG ALBRECHT <Prince of East Friesland> . In: Ostfriesische Landschaft (Hrsg.): Biographisches Lexikon für Ostfriesland . ( [PDF]).
predecessor Office successor
Christian Eberhard Prince of East Frisia
Carl Edzard