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Gerrha was an ancient trading town on the Arabian Peninsula , on its east coast. She was best known for her wealth from the incense trade . Their location is controversial. In recent research there have been attempts to equate them with Thaj or Uqair .

According to Strabo and Pliny the Elder , the houses of the city are said to have been built from blocks of salt. Some ancient writers describe the city as being by the sea, while others are inland. Strabo also reports that the city was built by exiles from Babylon . In the year 206/05 BC The Seleucid king Antiochus III moved. against the city. The city paid high tributes to the ruler in order to maintain its independence. After the first century AD, the city disappears from the ancient sources, so it probably lost its importance.

Individual evidence

  1. Strabo 16: 4, 18, 778.
  2. Pliny, Naturalis historia 31.78.
  3. Strabo 16,3,3, 776.
  4. Polybios 13: 9, 2-5.