Gertrud Sauerborn

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Gertrud Sauerborn (born October 29, 1898 in Gladbach , Neuwied , † May 19, 1982 in Mainz ) was a German teacher and social worker.


As the daughter of the farmer Wilhelm Sauerborn and his wife Maria, Gertrud Sauerborn was the oldest of eight siblings. Her parents recognized her talent for learning and made it possible for her to study after attending primary school . In 1918 she passed the examination for teaching in Koblenz. As a teacher, she then taught her younger siblings at times in her home town of Gladbach. From 1920 to 1923 she did a welfare internship at the Social Women's School and University for Physical Education in Trier. After further studies in the areas of dogmatics , psychology , pedagogy and social sciences, she passed the exam to become a public nurse .

As early as July 1, 1924, she had taken over the management of the Caritas office in Neuwied on a voluntary basis and had been a member of the district youth welfare committee since then. In 1928 the Diocesan Association of the Central Association of Catholic Mothers 'Associations and the Virgins ' Association was founded in the Diocese of Trier , where she took over the management of both associations together with Pastor Albert Fuchs. She worked as a welfare worker for the Trier city administration, primarily with young people. She was also employed in a homeless shelter and in the women's prison. In the latter, she gave two hours of lessons in "Life Science" on Sundays.

Even after the beginning of World War II, she continued to volunteer for the women's association. Among other things, she made several trips to Thuringia to visit young women who had been sent there by the Reich Labor Service . She was spied on and attacked by the Gestapo . Her home was ransacked several times . After she was called up as a staff helper in the Trier city administration in 1943, she gave up her honorary posts.

After the war, she first worked on her parents' farm. She became a member of the CDU and was actively involved in founding the predecessor organization of the Women's Union . On February 5, 1947, she became head of department at the State Welfare and Youth Welfare Office in Koblenz. In 1956 she was a councilor promoted to director of the newly formed State Youth Office Rheinland-Pfalz in Mainz. In particular, she campaigned for the modernization of home education according to new educational and legal framework conditions. A particular concern for her was regular training with appropriate remuneration and social security for the home residents.

In 1963 she retired. After that, she continued to work for young people. In addition to the rural youth, foreign students at the University of Mainz, to whom she gave German lessons in her apartment, were particularly important to her.

In 1970 she received the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon. She died on May 19, 1982 in Mainz and was buried in her home town of Gladbach.


Brötz, Susanne: Gertrud Sauerborn (1898-1982) in Hedwig Brüchert: Rhineland-Palatinate Women , Mainz, 2001, (publications of the parliament's commission for the history of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate; No. 23), ISBN 3-7758-1394- 2 , pp. 351-353

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Frauenbüro Neuwied (ed.): Von Frau zu Frau, Part II , Verlag Peter Kehrein, 1995, ISBN 9783980326650 , pp. 23-28