Thunderstorm (Ostrowski)

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Title: thunderstorm
Original title: Гроза (thunderstorm)
Genus: drama
Original language: Russian
Author: Alexander Ostrowski
Publishing year: 1860
Premiere: November 16, 1859
Place of premiere: Maly Theater , Moscow
Place and time of the action: The (fictional) city of Kalinowo on the banks of the Volga , in summer.
  • Sawelij Prokófjewitsch Dikói , a respected merchant in the provincial town
  • Boris Grigórjewitsch , his nephew
  • Marffa Ignátjewna Kabánowa , rich merchant widow
  • Tíchon Kabánow , her son
  • Katerína ( Katja ), his wife
  • Warwára , Tíchon's sister
  • Kulígin , a citizen
  • Kúdrjasch , young man, serves in Dikói's office
  • Schápkin , citizen
  • Feklúscha , pilgrim
  • and other

Gewitter ( Russian Гроза ) is a five-act drama by Alexander Ostrowski . It premiered in 1859 and was published in 1860. The focus is on Katerina Kabanova's adultery , the reasons for it and the consequences.


"The bank of the Volga". Draft for the stage decoration (1916) by Alexander Golowin .

first act

The merchant Dikoi lives in a small town on the Volga. He has a strict regime in his home and is constantly ranting. His nephew Boris is orphaned (his parents died of cholera), which is why he had to leave Moscow and now lives with his uncle. He cannot defend himself against his harassment, because according to his grandmother's will he will only be granted his inheritance if he obeys his uncle. In this daily torment, he has only one ray of hope: He has fallen in love with Katerina, who is, however, married.

Katerina is Kabanov's wife. They go for a walk with his mother, Kabanova. The despotic old woman laments all the time and accuses her son of not loving her enough. When Katerina is alone with her sister-in-law Varvara, she confesses that she feels constricted. However, she has a crush on young Boris, even though she knows this is a sin, and forces herself to ignore her feelings. But the easy-going Varvara encourages her to at least meet Boris. Then a thunderstorm approaches. While this does not bother Varvara, Katerina wants to hurry home.

Second act

Kabanov has to go on a journey for two weeks. Varvara suggests to her sister-in-law that they sleep together in the summer house so that they are out of the Kabanova's reach. She also gets the key to the gate and gives it to Katerina, who is torn. In order to protect herself from the temptation, she had previously asked her husband not to go on the trip or at least to take her with her, both of which were refused.

Third act

While Kudrjasch is having fun at the Varvara garden house in the evening, Katerina and Boris also meet for the first time. Even though she knows that it will turn out badly and she expects a bad ending for herself, Katerina gives herself completely.

Fourth act

Some people are promenading on the boulevard. It's raining, a thunderstorm seems to be approaching. Kabanov returned surprisingly just 10 days after his departure, Katerina's meetings with Boris are no longer possible. She is devastated by this. When the family is walking on the boulevard, Katerina breaks out. She confesses her adultery in front of everyone.

Fifth act

Kabanov on his own would forgive his wife if only it weren't for his despotic mother. Meanwhile, Boris is sent far away by his uncle, to a friend's office in Siberia. There is also a farewell scene between Boris and Katerina. The latter then desperately jumps into the Volga. Kabanow blames his mother for what happened and throws himself over the body of his wife.


Leoš Janáček's opera Káťa Kabanová (1921) is based on Ostrowski's thunderstorm , the libretto comes from the composer himself, and Max Brod translated it into German .

Full text


Alexander N. Ostrowskij: Thunderstorm. Drama in five acts (six images). In: A. N. Ostrowskij: Dramatic works in 4 volumes. Volume 2, pp. 111-180. Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag 1951.

Individual evidence

  1. Personal names based on the translation by Johannes von Guenther published by Aufbau-Verlag .