Giovan Pietro Vieusseux

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Giovan Pietro Vieusseux

Giovan Pietro Vieusseux (born September 28, 1779 in Oneglia , † April 28, 1863 in Florence ) was an Italian writer and publisher, of French-Swiss origin.


Gabinetto Vieusseux
The tomb of Vieusseux on the Cimitero degli Inglesi in Florence

He was born in Liguria to a Swiss-French family and received commercial training from his father Pierre (1746-1832), who was originally from Geneva and was a lawyer and businessman.

From 1804 Giovan Pietro took over the branch of the trading house Sautter, frères et C. in Antwerp. In 1814 he worked for his brother-in-law Pierre Senn (1767-1838), who owned a company in Livorno, and traveled through Northern Europe until 1817 on behalf of the company Senn, Guebhard et C. After his return to Livorno, he set out for Tunis, where he arrived on September 1, 1818 during the plague epidemic: from the diary of those days he prepared the subject for a volume that was never to be finished.

In 1819, Vieusseux moved to Florence and announced the opening of a literary and scientific cabinet in the Palazzo Buondelmonti in Florence, the rooms of which are open to discussions and the exchange of ideas. The library, founded on January 25, 1820, consisted, as announced in the foundation manifesto, “of the most interesting periodicals, both from Italy and abroad” and “maps, dictionaries and other books for reference”, while the first collection of his books own personal volumes.

Viesseux was in correspondence with the most important intellectuals of the time and, together with Gino Capponi, founded the magazine for literary and political information Antologia , the first edition of which appeared in January 1821. The magazine contained articles by Carlo Botta , Pietro Colletta , Ugo Foscolo , Pietro Giordani, Raffaello Lambruschini , Giacomo Leopardi , Giuseppe Mazzini and Niccolò Tommaseo , among others . An article from the latter resulted in the magazine's discontinuation in March 1833.

Vieusseux was the editor of other newspapers, including the Giornale Agrario Toscano (Issue 1, 1827) and the Archivio storico italiano (1842). The first series of the magazine resumed the work of Ludovico Antonio Muratori , who was the first scholar to publish Italian historical sources, compiled by Raffaello Lambruschini, Cosimo Ridolfi and Lapo de 'Ricci, and in the framework of which Vieusseux managed to identify subjects of historical relevance To give space. From 1857 to 1863 Vieusseux was editor of the Giornale storico degli archivi toscani , which was published by the general superintendent of the Grand Ducal Archives and directed by Francesco Bonaini (1806-1874).

During his work, Giovan Pietro Vieusseux printed: Delle condizioni del commercio librario in Italia e del desiderio di una fiera libraria e per incidenza della proprietà letteraria e dell'unione doganale ", (Florence Galileiana, 1844) and Frammenti sull'Italia nel 1822 e progetto di confederazione ( Florence, Galileiana, 1848).

After 40 years of work, a gold medal was struck in his honor on September 29, 1859, because he was one of the main representatives of Italian and European culture. Vieusseux was a member of numerous institutions and academies in all parts of Italy (in chronological order: Accademia dei Georgofili , Accademia labronica, Accademia pistoiese, Accademia dei sepolti, Accademia valdarnese, Accademia agraria di Pesaro, Accademia degli incamminati, Accademia della Vatiberina ...). On May 2, 1863, a memorial plaque was placed on the facade of the Palazzo Buondelmonti “in memory of the venerable citizen of the city” by decree of the city hall of Florence.

Literary heritage of Vieusseux

In 1866, the Nuova Antologia began to be published in Florence under Francesco Protonotari. The magazine, which appeared in Rome from 1888, had renowned names in Italian culture among its editors, including Domenico Gnoli and Giovanni Spadolini .


The Liceo Scientifico e Classico in Imperia , a street in Imperia and a square in Florence are named after Vieusseux.


  • Delle condizioni del commercio librario in Italia e del desiderio di una fiera libraria e per incidenza della proprietà letteraria e dell'unione doganale , Florence, with collaborators from Galileiana, 1844.
  • Journal-itinéraire de mon voyage en Europe (1814-1817). Con il carteggio relativo al viaggio , edited by Lucia Tonini, Florence, Olschki, 1998. ISBN 978-88-222-4583-0 .

Letters and correspondence

  • Raffaele Ciampini, Petre Ciureanu (ed.): Carteggio inedito Niccolo Tommaseo, GP Vieusseux . Edizioni di Storia e letteratura, Rome 1956 (Italian).
  • Antonio Di Preta (ed.): Carteggio inedito Bianchetti-Vieusseux . Argalia, Urbino 1973 (Italian).
  • Fulvio Conti (eds.): Carteggio Cosimo Ridolfi, Gian Pietro Vieusseux . 1821-1838, with introduction by Fulvio Conti, foreword by Giovanni Spadolini . tape 1 . Fondazione Spadolini-Nuova antologia, Le Monnier, Florence 1994 (Italian).
  • Marco Pignotti (eds.): Carteggio Cosimo Ridolfi, Gian Pietro Vieusseux . 1839-1845, with an introduction by Marco Pignotti, foreword by Cosimo Ceccuti. tape 2 . Fondazione Spadolini-Nuova antologia, Le Monnier, Florence 1995 (Italian).
  • Marco Pignotti (eds.): Carteggio Cosimo Ridolfi, Gian Pietro Vieusseux . 1846-1863, with an introduction by Marco Pignotti, foreword by Cosimo Ceccuti. tape 3 . Fondazione Spadolini-Nuova antologia, Le Monnier, Florence 1996 (Italian).
  • Aglaia Paoletti (eds.): Carteggio, Gino Capponi, Gian Pietro Vieusseux . 1821-1833, with an introduction by Aglaia Paoletti, foreword by Giovanni Spadolini. tape 1 . Fondazione Spadolini-Nuova antologia, Le Monnier, Florence 1994 (Italian).
  • Aglaia Paoletti (eds.): Carteggio, Gino Capponi, Gian Pietro Vieusseux . 1834-1850, with an introduction by Aglaia Paoletti, foreword by Cosimo Ceccuti. tape 2 . Fondazione Spadolini-Nuova antologia, Le Monnier, Florence 1995 (Italian).
  • Aglaia Paoletti (eds.): Carteggio, Gino Capponi, Gian Pietro Vieusseux . 1851-1863, with an introduction by Aglaia Paoletti, foreword by Cosimo Ceccuti. tape 3 . Fondazione Spadolini-Nuova antologia, Le Monnier, Florence 1996 (Italian).

Personal archive

A few years after the death of Giovan Pietro Vieusseux, his nephew Eugenio decided in 1887 to hand over the Vieusseux correspondence to the central library of Florence. The Vieusseux letter collection initiated the project of an “archive of Italian literature”, for each letter two index cards were made (per sender and per recipient) with the subject or content of the letter text. The correspondence consisted of correspondence with Raffaello Lambruschini, Gino Capponi and Niccolò Tommaseo, minutes of the letters sent by Vieusseux, printed files and manuscripts, materials on the anthology, the Giornale Agrario Toscano and the Archivio Storico Italiano, projects and publications on the book trade. The correspondence was reorganized by Alessandro Carraresi until 1896.

His papers will then be deposited in the Vieussex cabinet and in 11 other Florentine libraries and archives.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Vieusseux Giovan Pietro ( it ) SIUSA. Accessed December 31, 2019.
  2. ^ Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario GP Vieusseux (Ed.): Antologia Vieusseux . 2002 (Italian, [accessed December 31, 2019]).
  3. Simona Foà: Antologia . (diretto da Alberto Asor Rosa). In: Letteratura italiana. Gli Autori. Dizionario bio-bibliografico . I ,. Einaudi, Turin 1990, p. 97 (Italian).
  4. ^ Simona Foà: Archivio Storico Italiano . to you. da A. Asor Rosa. In: Letteratura italiana. Gli Autori. Dizionario bio-bibliografico . tape I . Einaudi, Turin 1990, p. 112 (Italian).
  5. ^ Repertorio dei corrispondenti di Gian Pietro Vieusseux . Gabinetto Vieusseux. Accessed January 2, 2020.


  • Raffaele Ciampini: Gian Pietro Vieusseux, i suoi viaggi, i suoi giornali, i suoi amici . Einaudi, Turin 1953 (Italian, with a detailed bibliographical list on pages 461-464).
  • Maurizio Bossi (Ed.): Giovan Pietro Vieusseux. Pensare l'Italia guardando l'Europa . Olschki, Florence 2013, ISBN 978-88-222-6264-6 (Italian).
  • Letizia Pagliai: Repertorio dei corrispondenti di Giovan Pietro Vieusseux dai carteggi in archivi e biblioteche di Firenze (1795-1863) . Ed .: Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario GP Vieusseux. Studi 15. Leo S. Olschki, Florence 2011 (Italian).

Web links

Commons : Giovan Pietro Vieusseux  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Giovan Pietro Vieusseux  - Sources and full texts (Italian)