Gisela (daughter of Louis the Pious)

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Gisela , also Gisla , ( French Gisèle * to 819 / 822 ; † after 874 ) was the daughter of Emperor Louis the Pious and his wife Judith .

Gisela married Eberhard , Margrave of Friuli, before the year 840, probably around 836 , and had ten children with him:

  1. Eberhard (837 – after June 20, 840).
  2. Ingeltrud von Friuli (around 836–867), married Heinrich (around 830–886), Margrave of Neustria
  3. Balance III. (about 840–874), husband of Ava von Tours.
  4. Berengar I (around 843–924), husband of Bertila von Spoleto , elected King of the Lombards in Pavia in 888 and Roman-German Emperor in 915 .
  5. Adalhard († after July 1, 874). Abbot of Cysoing .
  6. Rudolf († May 1, 892). Abbot of Cysoing and Saint-Vaast d'Arras . In 883 it received from Karlmann Artois and Ternoise , which Baldwin II confiscated on his death .
  7. Alpais, died young and buried in the Abbey of Sainte-Calixte de Cysoing
  8. Heilwig von Friuli (around 855– around 895), married around 874 Huchald (Hucbald) von Ostervant († after 890) and then possibly Roger I (around 867–926) Count of Laon.
  9. Gisela († around 863), nun in the Abbey of San Salvatore in Brescia .
  10. Judith of Friuli (863–881), wife of Conrad II , Margrave of Transjurania and Count of Auxerre .

In 836 Ludwig the Pious gave his daughter Gisela and her husband Eberhard von Friuli the villages of Ascq , Flers and Gruson as dowry.

Together with her husband, Gisela founded the Abbey of Sainte-Calixte de Cysoing . Together, even as laypeople, they oriented themselves towards spiritual values ​​and followed the example of the court of Charlemagne .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Évrard (Eberhard) sur le site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
  2. ^ "Ascq sous Charlemagne en l'an 800", Part. 1, Chap. 2, pages 13 to 16, Essai de l'histoire d'Ascq et de ses environs , P. Delebart, Imprimerie R. Boulonnais, Ascq, 1952.
  3. Lettre à un académicien d'Arras sur la princesse Gisèle, fille de Louis le Débonnaire, et sur la date du testament du Comte Evrard, son époux, fondateur de l'église de Cysoing, 1779, [1]
