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Gobang (from Japanese 碁 盤 , goban " Go -Brett") is a board game variant of five in a row (gomoku (narabe)) .

Rules of the game

Gobang is played on the 19 × 19 intersections of a go board. The aim of the game is to get a straight, uninterrupted row of five pieces. The players take turns placing a piece each. Unlike with five in a row , stones that have been placed once can be captured: If two adjacent stones are pinched on both sides by opposing stones, then they are captured and are removed from the board. It is possible to build a row of two between opposing stones; this row is not considered defeated.

The stroke rule makes the game more varied and exciting than five in a row .


Pente is a commercial version of Gobang, where you can also win by being the first to hit 10 stones.

See also