Goth (go)

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Gote ( Japanese 後手 ) is a game concept of the Go game . It means the "loss of initiative", and is mostly used as " afterhand ", more precisely with "loss of forehand", "falling behind" in the literature. The opposite of Gote is Sente , which means something like previous move . Applying this concept in the game is the basis of higher strategy.

For example, if Black starts a sequence that ends after an even number of moves, Black will get Sente through that sequence. If Black starts a sequence that ends after an odd number of moves, Black loses Sente and receives Gote. One should only accept Goth if one receives sufficient compensation in return.

An opposing sente game is a special kind of gote game that prevents the opponent from playing a move in sente. The relative value of an opposing Sente depends on the overall situation on the board, but one can assume that such a move has twice the value of a pure Gote move.

See also