Greater Hanover

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In addition to a historical and colloquial name for Hanover and its surrounding area, the greater Hanover area is the abbreviation for a former municipal association of a special kind that has been absorbed in the Hanover region. It is considered to be one of the first successful attempts in Germany to defuse the problem of urban and rural areas. It existed in various organizational forms from January 1, 1963 to October 31, 2001. The geographic location corresponds to that of today's Hanover region.


On December 14, 1962 , the Lower Saxony State Parliament passed the relevant law (GrRG) to regulate the greater Hanover area, which came into force on January 1, 1963. The association area of ​​the "Verband Großraum Hannover" did not cover the entire area of ​​today's Hanover region. The state capital Hanover was still surrounded by various rural districts, which included many small communities, of which not all became members of the association. According to §6 GrRG, the tasks are essentially defined as "uniform planning and balance of interests". For this purpose, an association plan had to be drawn up, which can be seen as the forerunner of today's regional planning in the Hanover region.

In 1970 the association took over the sponsorship of local public transport and founded the transport association Großraum-Verkehr Hannover .

As part of the regional reform in Lower Saxony , after various models had been discussed, the greater Hanover area was reorganized on March 1, 1974. The districts surrounding the state capital were merged with the incorporation and outsourcing of communities to form the new district of Hanover , which now comprised only twenty communities. The association now comprised the state capital, the district and its communities. By law, it was responsible for regional planning and local transport. Further tasks could be assigned to him.

With the state law of March 24, 1980, the Greater Hanover Association was dissolved on June 30, 1980. At the same time, from July 1, 1980, the state capital and the district were merged into a special purpose association exclusively for local transport. The association members were authorized to entrust him with the tasks of regional planning, economic development and regionally important local recreation, which they also did through the statutes.

In 1992, in the course of the reestablishment of the Greater Braunschweig Association, which was dissolved in 1980, the Greater Hanover area was also reorganized; from July 1, 1992, it became the Greater Hanover Municipal Association. In the new law, regional planning was again assigned to him as a compulsory task.

After the district council of the district, the council of the state capital Hanover and the association assembly of the municipal association voted for the formation of the Hanover region in spring 2000 , the municipal association for the greater Hanover area was incorporated into the Hanover region by law of June 5, 2001 on November 1, 2001 .

See also


  • Greater Hanover - a region with a past and a future - contributions to regional development . Issue No. 96, Hannover 2001