Gutmann Rülf

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Gutmann Rülf (born December 3, 1851 in Rauischholzhausen ; died December 17, 1915 in Braunschweig ) was a German rabbi and from 1884 to 1915 regional rabbi of the Duchy of Braunschweig .


Gravestone of Gutmann Rülf and his wife Hedwig, b. Framer (2014)

From 1877 to 1882 he attended the Jewish Theological Seminary in Breslau .

Brunswick State Rabbi

In 1882 he became a rabbinical adjunct under the Braunschweig regional rabbi Levi Herzfeld (1810-1884), whose office he took over in 1884 after Herzfeld's death. He continued his reform course, but was critical of the assimilation wishes of many community members. On October 25, 1914, he inaugurated the new Jewish cemetery on Helmstedter Strasse with a sermon in which he expressed his hope for a tolerant Christian-Jewish coexistence:

The old cemetery was established a hundred years ago. Before that, the congregation was not allowed to bury its deceased in their own soil. The excellent location of the new cemetery right next to the Christian one is a sign that prejudices are disappearing and that the barriers that seemed so insurmountable are falling.

Rülf died on December 17, 1915 while exercising his office during a funeral service, of which the doctor Walter Heinemann reported:

Despite serious illness and my corresponding warning, he insisted on holding the funeral service for a young lieutenant, Kurt Elias, whose body had been brought home. In the middle of prayer he ... collapsed. I could only determine death. Dr. Rülf received a military burial; A large part of the Christian clergy took part in the previous memorial service in the synagogue.

Rülf was one of the first community members to be buried in the new Jewish cemetery . Paul Rieger succeeded him in the office of regional rabbi .


He was married to Hedwig, b. Rahmer (1868–1922), with whom he had three children. His son, Schlomo Friedrich Rülf (1896–1976), who emigrated to Palestine in 1935, was also a well-known rabbi.

Works (selection)

  • On the phonology of the Aramaic-Talmudic dialects. 1879.
  • Some things from the early days and about the founder of the Jacobson School in Seesen. Braunschweig 1890.
  • Alexander David , Braunschweig chamber agent from 1707 to 1767. 1907.


Individual evidence

  1. Reinhard Bein: Eternal House. Braunschweig 2004, p. 59.
  2. Reinhard Bein: Contemporary Witnesses from Stein Volume 2 Braunschweig and its Jews. Braunschweig 1996, p. 95.