Hannes Stein

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Hannes Stein (born February 15, 1965 in Munich ) is a German-American journalist , blogger and book author . He has been the world's cultural correspondent in the USA since 2007 , as well as the author of the Jüdische Allgemeine , as well as the community blog by former “ Axis of the Good ” authors called “ Salon Columnists ”, which was launched in 2017 . In addition, he published several books.


Growing up in Salzburg , he began to study English , American and philosophy in Hamburg in 1984 . After graduating with an MA in 1989, he first lived for a year as a German teacher in Scotland and then began his career as a journalist at the FAZ ; later he worked for Der Spiegel , Zürcher Weltwoche and Merkur . From 1997 to 1999 he lived in Jerusalem , learned Hebrew and wrote his book Moses and the Revelation of Democracy there . He also worked as a cultural correspondent for the Berliner Zeitung . After that Stein was literary editor of the Rheinische Merkur in Bonn and moved to Hamburg in 2000 to the world . He was the editor of the associated Literary World in Berlin and writes - often satirical - articles on politics and the feature pages . From November 8, 2006 to April 7, 2013 he was the author of the community blog The Axis of the Good . In 2007 he became the world's cultural correspondent in the USA. The green card winner and - since autumn 2012 - US citizen, now lives in Riverdale , a well-off district of the North Bronx in New York City . He registered as a Republican supporter in the 2012 US primaries , but announced that he would elect Barack Obama . In protest against the election of Donald Trump as 45th US President, he left the Republican Party on January 20, 2017 and was put on the Democratic electoral roll . He published a detailed explanation in Die Welt am Sonntag on January 22, 2017.

In 2013 Stein published the novel The Comet , an alternate world story in which there is no First World War and world history develops completely differently. His friend Wolf Biermann praised the book in the time as a "great intelligent fun".


His book Finally Non-Thoughts! has been published in abbreviated form as an audio book at Litra read by Uwe Friedrichsen , ISBN 3-89469-743-1 .

Web links

supporting documents

  1. Hannes Stein. to: juedische-allgemeine.de
  2. https://www.salonkolumnisten.com/autor/hannesstein/
  3. Hannes Stein: Germany is afraid of jumping jacks. In: Welt Online , August 29, 2008.
  4. Hannes Stein's texts from November 8, 2006 to April 7, 2013 on the axis of the good .
  5. Hannes Stein: Why I vote for Barack Obama as a Republican. In: Die Welt , November 4, 2012.
  6. Wolf Biermann: Happy Habsburg. Review of Stein's “The Comet”. In: Die Zeit 20/2013.