Hans Krainz

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Hans Krainz (born May 13, 1906 in Zurich ; † May 20, 1980 ibid) was a Swiss gardener and cactus specialist. Its official botanical author's abbreviation is " Krainz ".

Live and act

Hans Krainz, who as a gardener specialized in hardy ornamental trees and shrubs, became the first director of the Zurich Succulent Collection in 1931 . He held this position until his retirement in 1972.

Through his work he developed a great enthusiasm for cacti and other succulents . In 1932 he became a member of the German Cactus Society . In 1933 he was elected President of the Swiss Cactus Society . He was one of the main initiators of the founding of the International Organization for Succulent Research (IOS) in Zurich at the end of September 1950 .

Krainz was the editor and main editor of the loose-leaf collection Die Kakteen , which appeared in several editions from 1954 to 1975. In 1966 and 1970 he was able to visit the locations of the cacti in the USA and Mexico as part of two study trips .

Honor taxon

Curt Backeberg named the genus Krainzia Backeb in his honor . the plant family of the cactus family (Cactaceae).

Fonts (selection)

  • The development of cactus research over the last 20 years and its influence on the hobby . Zurich, 1940
  • Succulents. Yearbooks of the Swiss Cactus Society . 1947–1963 (editor)
  • Establishing and maintaining a cactus collection: species selection, maintenance calendar with important information and brief instructions, winter care and import treatment . Münsingen: B. Fischer, 1953
  • Cacti: an overview of the introduced species together with instructions for cultivation and care . Stuttgart, 1956–1975 (loose-leaf collection, unfinished)
  • Succulents . Zurich, Silva-Verlag , 1958 - with Pia Roshardt
  • Plantes grasses . Zurich, Silva-Verlag, 1958 (French edition of succulents )


  • Thomas Bollinger: 75 years of succulent collection . The world of succulents, No. 11, Zurich, 2007
  • BE Leuenberger: Hans Krainz 1906-1980 - A life for the succulents . In: U. Eggli (editor): Hans Krainz, his life, his publications. Conference brochure published on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Zurich Cactus Society and the 55th JHV of the Swiss Cactus Society . Zurich, 1985

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Curt Backeberg: Sheets for cactus research . No. 6, Volksdorf, 1938