Hansheinrich Kummerow

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Hansheinrich Kummerow
Stumbling stone at the house, Spanische Allee 166, in Berlin-Nikolassee

Hansheinrich Kummerow (also: Hans-Heinrich Kummerow , born February 27, 1903 in Magdeburg ; † February 4, 1944 in Halle / Saale ) was a scientist and technician, doctor of engineering and resistance fighter against National Socialism .


Kummerow was born as the son of the privy councilor, professor and department head at the provincial school board, Heinrich Kummerow, and his wife Adele, née. Lejeune, born in Magdeburg . After attending school in Magdeburg and Posen in 1921, he passed his Abitur at the Steglitz Gymnasium in Berlin . From the summer semester of 1921, he first studied music for three semesters. On October 16, 1922 , he enrolled at the Philosophical Faculty of the Humboldt University in Berlin and studied mathematics for one semester, but then switched to the Technical University in Berlin-Charlottenburg in 1923 and finished his chemistry studies as a graduate engineer in 1927. As lecture assistant, he was employed at the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry at the TH, where he on 13 July 1929 with the thesis The thermal decomposition of nitrous oxide at Max Vollmer for Doctor of Engineering doctorate . Additional reviewer was Karl Andreas Hofmann .

Initially, Kummerow worked as chief engineer at the Gasglühlicht-Auer-Gesellschaft until October 27, 1932 and then in the development office of Loewe-Radio-AG in Berlin.

Although he was politically independent, he joined communist resistance groups after the “ seizure of power ” and organized acts of sabotage against the German arms industry with Hans Coppi and Erhard Tohmfor . As a scout he obtained important scientific and technical information for the Soviet Union , France and Great Britain . After the attack on the Soviet Union , he joined the Red Band around Harro Schulze-Boysen and Arvid Harnack and used their intelligence network to pass on important information to the Red Army .

Kummerow is mistakenly associated with the Oslo Report , which was written by the physicist Hans Ferdinand Mayer , who was then employed by Siemens .

According to the Berliner Morgenpost "the engineer Hans-Heinrich Kummerow planned an assassination attempt on the Nazi propaganda minister" Joseph Goebbels in 1942 . Kummerow intended to set up a mine under the bridge leading to Goebbels' property on the island of Schwanenwerder and to detonate it remotely.

He was arrested in November 1942 and sentenced to death on December 18, 1942 by the Reich Court Martial. On February 4, 1944, he was beheaded with a guillotine in Halle . Sudden cardiac death and respiratory arrest are noted in the death register as the cause of death.

His wife Ingeborg Kummerow , whom he married on October 24, 1936, was sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in January 1943 and beheaded on August 5, 1943 in Plötzensee .


  • In 1969, Hansheinrich Kummerow was posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Banner by the Soviet Union .
  • In the GDR , a street in the Neustädter Feld development area in Magdeburg was named Hansheinrich-Kummerow-Straße . It was renamed Resewitzstrasse after 1990.
  • On March 27, 2015 , a stumbling block was laid in front of his former home, Berlin-Nikolassee , Spanische Allee 166 .

Web links

Commons : Hansheinrich Kummerow  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


Individual evidence

  1. The "island elder" from Schwanenwerder. In: Berliner Morgenpost . May 14, 2002, accessed April 22, 2015 .
  2. Ralf Georg Reuth: “Goebbels”, Piper Verlag, 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-05557-4 , p. 553.
  3. Karl Heinz Jahnke: Murdered and extinguished. Ahriman-Verlag, 1995, ISBN 3894845538 , p. 85
  4. Neues Deutschland , December 23, 1969, p. 4.