Harry Gordon Selfridge

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Harry Gordon Selfridge, around 50 years old

Harry Gordon Selfridge (born January 11, 1858 in Ripon , Wisconsin , USA , † May 8, 1947 in London , Great Britain ) was an American businessman.


He worked for the retailer Marshall Field in Chicago , introducing innovations such as annual sales and grabbing tables. There he made it to junior partner. In 1906, Selfridge retired after buying the Schlesinger & Mayer department store for five million dollars and selling it again after just three months. The following year he moved to London . There he opened the department store Selfridge & Co. or Selfridges for short on London's Oxford Street on March 15, 1909 . In 1939 Gordon Selfridge resigned as chairman of the board.

His life is the subject of the British television series Mr Selfridge with Jeremy Piven in the lead role.