Heinz Horrmann

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Heinz Horrmann (born January 26, 1943 in Düren ) is a German gastronomy critic , journalist and book author .


In the 1970s, Horrmann was head of the Kölner Bild-Zeitung . Horrmann writes regularly for the daily newspapers Die Welt , Welt am Sonntag and Berliner Morgenpost as well as the specialist magazines Top hotel and Food & Wine . Since November 2007 he has been a member of the jury in the television program Die Kocharena on VOX , and from mid-2013 to July 2016 in the follow-up program Grill den Henssler . He was on RTL from April 5 to May 24, 2009 in the program Der Hotelinspektor . He also moderates a radio restaurant tip every Friday at 105'5 Spreeradio in Berlin. Horrmann has published around 36 books on the subject of hotels and restaurants, which are described as a "world record" in self-presentations and in advertising for the program "Bought, cooked, won".

Horrmann lives in Berlin .


He has been awarded the Federal Cross of Merit for his "services to the German hotel and catering industry". He was also honored with the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences' Five Star Diamond Award for Best Hotel Author in 2001 and 2011 . In 2005 the Brillat Savarin Foundation and the Gastronomic Academy awarded him the Carl Friedrich von Rumohr Ring for his life's work.

Heinz Horrmann is referred to as "Germany's most famous hotel tester" in the author's description of his column in "Welt Online".

Publications (selection)

  • In strange beds , Klocke Verlag, Bielefeld,
  • The 99 ultimate best hotels in the world , publisher: Ullstein, 2002, Berlin, ISBN 3-5500-7561-8
  • Dream travel destinations , Ullstein non-fiction book, Berlin
  • American dream careers . Ullstein non-fiction book, Berlin
  • The best of the best , Ullstein Taschenbuch, Berlin
  • Careers , Bastei Lübbe, Bergisch Gladbach

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The daily newspaper
  2. New season, new jury, new rules. Retrieved September 16, 2016 .
  3. Interview with Horrmann in the mirror
  4. Horrmann portrait at Kabel Eins
  5. Author portrait of the publisher - profile page at Ullstein Buchverlage GmbH
  6. Horrmann portrait on the TV station VOX
  7. Horrmann's column on Welt Online