Heinz Seelig

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Heinz Seelig (born February 26, 1909 in Samotschin, today Szamocin , Greater Poland Voivodeship , † December 25, 1992 ) was a painter and interior designer.


Heinz Seelig grew up in Berlin, where he made his first cartoons for newspapers at the age of 15. In 1929 he began studying architecture at the Bauhaus in Dessau , which he completed in 1929 as an interior designer at the United State Schools for Free and Applied Arts in Berlin. At the age of 24 he had to flee Germany and emigrated to Palestine . In 1939 he moved from Tel Aviv to Haifawhere he worked until 1974. The painting established his second career after his work. In 1975 he had his first exhibition in Vancouver, Canada and won second prize in the International Exhibition of Naive Art at the Pro Arte Kasper gallery in Switzerland.

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