Hellmuth Frey

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Hellmuth Frey (born December 20, 1901 in Tori , Estonia , † December 27, 1982 in Bielefeld ) was a German-Baltic Protestant theologian , sick chaplain, Old Testament scholar and co-founder of the confessional movement No other gospel .

Live and act

Frey initially studied law in Dorpat , but then turned to Protestant theology after he had become aware of the reality of God during a serious crisis of meaning in an Inner Mission service. After completing his studies, he first became pastor in the St. Johannis parish in Dorpat, then in the Kreuzkirche parish in Lissa im Warthegau , where the Baltic Germans were resettled.

In the church struggle from 1933 Frey was actively on the side of the Confessing Church . After the Second World War, Frey worked as a sick chaplain in Bethel and as a lecturer in the Old Testament at the Bethel Church University .

Frey was a representative of a Christianity based on personal fellowship with God, pietistic and evangelical . As such, he saw the danger of an ideologically neutral historical-critical exegesis , which the Bible only perceives within the framework of the understanding of reality given by the Enlightenment . In his book The Word became flesh , published in 1952, he called this a deeply rooted crisis over the church, theology and religious life of the West . Frey did not completely reject historical criticism and was quite ready to differentiate between different representatives of the historical-critical method and their approaches; but the approach of theological exegesis had to lie in his view in a Reformation-determined understanding of inspiration of the Holy Scriptures and be determined by the Holy Spirit. The theological significance of Frey lies primarily in his suggestions regarding this theological approach and less in individual exegetical knowledge. Theologians who work differently, such as Rolf Rendtorff, also attested to a holistic approach and far-sighted approach.

In the 1960s, Frey, along with Walter Künneth and Peter Beyerhaus, was one of the founders of the confessional movement No other gospel , which primarily opposed the influence of the existential interpretation emanating from Rudolf Bultmann and his students . Along with Armin Sierszyn, he was also one of the founders of the Bethel Circle of Friends, which met from 1966 to think about alternatives to historical-critical theology.

Fonts (selection)

For a detailed bibliography see under literature.

  • The book of beginnings. Chapters 1-11 of the first book of Moses , Volume 1, Calwer Verlag , Stuttgart
  • The book of struggle. Chapters 25-35 of the first book of Moses , Volume 3, Calwer Verlag , Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-7668-0046-6
  • The book of guidance - chapters 36-50 of the first book of Moses. Designed for friends and despisers of the Bible , The Message of the Old Testament, Explanations of Old Testament Scriptures, Volume 4, Calwer Verlag, Stuttgart 1939
  • The Book of Visitation and Exodus. Chapters 1-18 of the second book of Moses , Volume 5, Calwer Verlag, Stuttgart
  • The goal of all things - interpretation of the Revelation Johannis after Bible studies , Calwer Verlag, Stuttgart 1951 (several editions with new subtitle: Pastoral interpretation of the revelation , Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission , Bad Liebenzell 1977-1995, ISBN 3-88002-589-4 )
  • The book of God's world politics - chapters 40-50 of the book Isaiah , The Message of the Old Testament, Explanations of Old Testament Scriptures, Volume 18, Calwer Verlag, Stuttgart 1958, 5th edition, ISBN 978-3-321-11112-9
  • The book of God's courtship for his church - The Prophet Hosea , Volume 23/2, Calwer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-7668-0053-4
  • The question of the testimony of Jesus Christ today. The Christological conception Willi Marxsen and their ideological certainty , MBK-Verlag, Bad Salzuflen 1966th
  • The crisis of theology - historical criticism and pneumatic interpretation in the light of the crisis , Wuppertal (2nd edition) 1972.
  • On the approach to theological work , in: Abraham our father . Jews and Christians talking about the Bible. Festschrift for Otto Michel , Leiden 1963, pp. 153–180; Reprinted in: Hellmuth Frey / Hans-Jürgen Peters, Geistliche Schriftausstellung , Edition Ichthys 1, Giessen 2001, ISBN 978-3-7655-9092-4 , pp. 11–39.
  • Jesus alone or Jesus and ... - The rapprochement of denominations , Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission, Bad Liebenzell 1974, ISBN 978-3-88002-013-9 (New subtitle: Union of the Churches? Liebenzell 1997, ISBN 978-3-88002 -630-8 )
  • Hand commentary on the book Isaiah - Chapters 6 to 12 , Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission, Bad Liebenzell 1978, ISBN 978-3-88002-006-1
  • Hand Commentary on the Book of Isaiah. The clash of the holy God with the presumptuousness of his community (Isaiah chapters 1-5) , Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission, Bad Liebenzell 1975, ISBN 978-3-88002-005-4


  • Thorsten Dietz and Torsten Küster (eds.): Criticism that proceeds from the cross . For the 100th birthday of Hellmuth Frey, Wuppertal / Bad Liebenzell 2001.
  • Gregor Heidbrink: Hellmuth Frey as interpreter of the Old Testament. On the sustainability of his approach to pneumatic exegesis , Brunnen , Gießen 2011, ISBN 978-3-7655-9108-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hellmuth Frey: The goal of all things , Calwer Verlag, Stuttgart 1951, foreword , p. 11 & 12
  2. Armin Sierszyn: Christological Hermeneutics - a study on historical-critical, canonical and biblical theology with special consideration of the philosophical hermeneutics by Hans-Georg Gadamer , Volume 3 of Studies on Theology and the Bible, LIT Verlag, Münster 2010, ISBN 978-3- 643-80048-0 , pp. 33-35
  3. ^ Gregor Heidbrink: Hellmuth Frey as interpreter of the Old Testament. On the sustainability of his approach to pneumatic exegesis , Brunnen, Gießen 2011, ISBN 978-3-7655-9108-2
  4. ^ Rolf Rendtorff: Continuity in contradiction - autobiographical reflections , Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , Göttingen 2007, ISBN 978-3-525-57308-2
  5. Heiner Süselbeck: Never give anyone lost: Correspondence between Helmut Gollwitzer and Hermann Schlingensiepen 1951–1979 , Volume 2, LIT Verlag, Münster 2014, ISBN 978-3-643-12673-3 , p. 226
  6. Sven Grosse and Herbert H. Klement (eds.): For a Reformation Church with Bite, Studies on Theology and the Bible , LIT Verlag, Münster 2013, ISBN 978-3-643-80146-3 , p. 67: Helge Stadelmann : Postmodern hermeneutics and Christian preaching