Helmut Schmidt (engineer)

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Helmut Schmidt (born June 3, 1943 in Böhmisch Kamnitz , Sudetenland , German Empire , today the Czech Republic ) is a German scientist and politician ( SPD ).


Origin, education

As a toddler, Schmidt was after the Second World War with his family from Czechoslovakia expelled . After graduating from the Leibniz Gymnasium in Düsseldorf in 1963 in mathematics and natural sciences , he studied communications engineering after a preliminary internship , graduating in 1970 with the humanistic examination and the main diploma examination . In 1978 he received his doctorate in engineering from the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin).


From 1970 to 1977 Schmidt was a research assistant at the Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI, also Fraunhofer HHI ), a research assistant at the Institute for High Frequency Technology at the TU Berlin, a freelance worker in business and a research assistant at the Senate Department for Science, Research and Culture in Berlin.

In 1978 he became a professor at the Fachhochschule der Deutsche Bundespost Berlin (FH der DBP Bln). In 1982 Schmidt was its prorector. In 1984 he went on a study trip to the USA as a Fulbright scholar .

In 1987 he took over from Uwe Rabenhorst the office of Rector of the FH of the DBP Bln. In 1992, as the founding rector of the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences (FHB, today Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences , THB), he led the development of the new university with 2,500 places as a target. In 1995 he became its rector. In 1998 he was president of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Economics (FHTW, today: Berlin University of Technology and Economics, HTW Berlin).

He was also a member of the Association of German Electrical Engineers and the University Teachers' Association (hlb), and chairman of the board of trustees of the Alfred Flakowski Foundation in Brandenburg an der Havel .


In 2001 Schmidt received an award from the Center for University Development as a “best practice university” for outstanding university management, and an award as a reform college from the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft for an exemplary business start-up concept.


Schmidt has been a member of the SPD since 1969. He was a member of specialist committees of the SPD parliamentary group of the Berlin House of Representatives and deputy chairman of the specialist committee on the city ​​of knowledge . From 2002 he was Lord Mayor of the city of Brandenburg an der Havel , but already resigned from office in March 2003 due to illness due to excessive workload.

A clever man, but he wasn't at home here. "

References, web links

  1. The City of Silence , Daniel Schulz, taz on the weekend, October 25, 2003

References (offline)

  • Waymarks of HTW Berlin , in: The historical roots of HTW Berlin , HTW Berlin, BWV Verlag 2015, p. 66