Helmut Voigt

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Helmut Voigt (* 1942 ) is a former lieutenant colonel of the Ministry for State Security (MfS) of the GDR , who was sentenced to four years in prison in 1994 for complicity in murder because of his involvement in the terrorist attack on August 25, 1983 on the Maison de France cultural center in West Berlin was convicted.

Worked for the GDR State Security

The engineer Helmut Voigt had worked at the Ministry for State Security in East Berlin since 1978 , and from 1981 he was head of subdivision VIII “Combating international terrorism” of main department XXII. His offense consisted in the return of a suitcase with 24 kg of plastic explosives that had been confiscated from Johannes Weinrich in 1982 and which he had deposited in a cupboard in his office in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen for a period of one year . According to his own account during the 1994 legal proceedings, he did so on the instructions of his direct superior Harry Dahl . The suitcase with the explosives was then brought by Weinrich to the Syrian embassy in Otto-Grotewohl-Strasse, from where it was crossed over the border to the west in August 1983 by other confidants of the wire-puller of the later attack, Ilich Ramírez Sánchez , also known as Carlos -Berlin was brought. Voigt, at that time still in the rank of major and thus belonging to the middle management, believed the assertion of a Carlos confidante about the planned return of the explosives to Damascus .

Escape to Greece

On 26 March 1991, Voigt began after spreading the message in the broadcasting of the planned arrest of some of the supporting RAF - terrorists suspected former Stasi employees by Greece from. He lived there for a while under a false identity in the port city of Volos . He was caught by the visit of his wife Carla in September 1992, who unknowingly carried a tracking device hidden in her flight baggage, which led the BKA investigators directly to Voigt who had gone into hiding. He was arrested with his wife in the Hotel Balasca in Athens , and was held in the state prison in Korydallos until his extradition in 1993 .

Convicted of accessory to murder

In 1994 he became the Berlin District Court to four years' imprisonment for complicity in the murder convicted.


  • Wilhelm Dietl : The BKA story . Droemer Knaur, 2000
  • Fritz Schmaldienst, Klaus-Dieter Matschke: Carlos accomplice Weinrich: The international career of a top German terrorist . Eichborn Verlag, 1995
  • Peter Niggl, Hari Winz: Death in Berlin: criminal cases from the metropolis 1945–1995 . Verlag Das Neue Berlin, 1995
  • Oliver Schröm: Dangerous Mission: The Story of the Most Successful German Terrorist Investigator . Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, 2007
  • Oliver Schröm: In the shadow of the jackal: Carlos and the pioneers of international terrorism . Ch. Links Verlag, 2002

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Regine Igel: Open words by Markus Wolf ... heise.de, February 17, 2012, accessed on June 29, 2014 .
  2. a b c Sigrid Averesch: A pact between the Stasi and the terrorists? In: Berliner Zeitung , January 11, 1994
  3. ^ A b Sigrid Averesch: Stasi officer feels deceived . In: Berliner Zeitung , January 25, 1994
  4. ^ A b c Wilhelm Dietl: Schoolmaster of Terror. focus.de, April 5, 1993, accessed June 29, 2014 .
  5. The trail of the passes . In: Der Spiegel . No. 21 , 1993 ( online ).
  6. Sigrid Averesch: Stasi and Carlos in the "fight against the class enemy". In: berliner-zeitung.de. Berliner Verlag GmbH, April 12, 1994, accessed December 8, 2015 .