Henri-Pierre Danloux

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Henri-Pierre Danloux (born February 24, 1753 in Paris ; † January 3, 1809 there ) was a French painter , draftsman and engraver .

The Baron de Besenval in his Salon de Compagnie , 1991, 46.5 × 37 cm, National Gallery , London

He was a student of the genre painter Nicolas-Bernard Lépicié (1735–1784) and later of Joseph-Marie Vien , with whom he went to Rome in 1785 for several years .

Danloux was married to Antoinette de Saint-Redan, an adopted daughter of the artistic director Antoine Mégret d'Étigny. He began a career as a portraitist and genre painter, first painting his wife's family and their followers. Shortly before the outbreak of the French Revolution , he returned to Italy with his wife.

In 1792 he went to England, where he stayed until 1802. Most of his wife's family, who remained in France, were executed on May 10, 1794, along with King Louis XVI's sister . , Madame Élisabeth , who had campaigned for the release of the Comtesse de Sérilly.

Danloux enjoyed great success in England that went well beyond the circles of French emigrants, and was also influenced by English painters such as John Singleton Copley and Henry Raeburn .

Among his best works are the portraits of Mademoiselle Duthé, Monseigneur de la Marche at his desk (Louvre, Paris) or the Duc de Choiseul in prison. He painted portraits of numerous Englishmen and Scots, exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy and became the declared favorite painter of the Comte d'Artois , who lived in exile in Holyrood . Several works by Danloux were disseminated through copperplate engraving, particularly by English artists. In 1802 he returned to France, also exhibited in the salon, but did not have the success he had hoped for.

For some years now, some art historians have attributed the Reverend Robert Walker Ice Skating painting , which is considered one of the most famous paintings in Scotland.

His notes (diaries) were partially published by Roger Portalis.

“Distinguished, serious, with harmonious coloring, still shaped by the last elegance of an enchanted century, this is how Danloux's painting shows itself in its undeniable originality ... Under his brush, the hairstyles acquire a fullness that contributes to the (overall) beauty ... His pleasure in unexpected attitudes that convey an illusion of life itself; his search for the gesture; the care with which he animates the physiognomy of his models; - these are all signs that you can recognize at first glance. "

- Roger Portalis : in his biography on Henri-Pierre Danloux (Paris, 1910)


  • Danloux, Henri Pierre , in: Lexikon der Kunst , Vol. 3, Karl Müller Verlag, Erlangen 1994, p. 348.
  • Roger Portalis: Henri-Pierre Danloux peintre de portraits et son journal durant l'émigration (1735–1809) , Paris, E. Rahir, 1910. (French)
  • Edith de Pange: François de Pange ou la tragédie des trois frères , Éditions Serpenoise, Metz, 2011. (French)
  • Olivier Meslay: Henry-Pierre Danloux (1753–1809), sa carrière avant l'exil en Angleterre , in: Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire de l'Art Français (born 2006), Paris, 2007, pp. 209–244 . (French)
  • Olivier Meslay: L'enrichissement d'un fonds ancien de la collection Jacques Doucet: les archives Portalis et Danloux , in: Les Nouvelles de l'INHA , December 2009, pp. 18–21. (French)
  • Olivier Meslay: La famille d'Etigny et le peintre Henri-Pierre Danloux , in: Bulletin de la Société archéologique du Gers , 2004/4, pp. 459-465. (French)
  • Olivier Meslay: Le Sublime social ou la Pitié mise en pièce , in: Mehdi Korchane: Figure de l'exil de Bléisaire à Marcus Sextus , Musée de la Révolution française , 2016, pp. 80–91. (French)
  • Olivier Meslay: Beauté d'un ordre renversé: Danloux et l'image de l'émigration , in: Mehdi Korchane: Figure de l'exil de Bléisaire à Marcus Sextus, Musée de la Révolution française , 2016, pp. 80–91. (French)
  • Portraits français de Largillière à Manet , exhibition catalog (No. 10), Copenhagen, October – November 1960. (French)

Web links

Commons : Henri-Pierre Danloux  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. The available sources contradict each other about the duration of the stay, for example the National Gallery states 10 years, a German art lexicon only 5 years. See: 1) Henri-Pierre Danloux , short biography on the website of the National Gallery , London , September 2, 2018. 2) Danloux, Henri Pierre , in: Lexikon der Kunst , Vol. 3, Karl Müller Verlag, Erlangen 1994, p. 348.
  2. "Distinguée, sincère, de couleur harmonieuse, encore parée des dernières élégances d'un siècle enchanteur, telle s'affirme, dans son incontestable originalité, la peinture de Danloux… Sous son pinceau, les coiffures prennent une ampleur qui ajoutent … Son gût des attitudes imprévues propres à thunder l'illusion de la vie, sa recherche du geste, la préoccupation d'animer la physionomie de ses modèles, sont autant de signes qui le font reconnaître à première vue. »Roger Portalis: Henri-Pierre Danloux peintre de portraits et son journal durant l'emigration (1735-1809) , Paris, E. Rahir, 1910.