Hisham I.

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Modern portrait of Hisham I.

Hisham ibn Abd ar-Rahman ( Arabic هشام بن عبد الرحمن, DMG Hišām b.ʿAbd ar-Raḥman , Spanish Hixem I de Al-Ándalus 'Hischam I. von al-Andalus' , * 757 ; † 796 ) was the second emir of Córdoba from the Umayyad dynasty of al-Andalus from 788 to 796 .

In 788 Hisham I succeeded his father Abd ar-Rahman I in the Emirate of Cordoba. He had to assert himself against his older brother Sulaiman and his younger brother Abdallah.

During Hisham's entire reign there were campaigns against the Christian empires in the north. Even if the Muslims suffered some defeats - e.g. B. in Burgos (791) or Lugo (793) - their dominance on the Iberian Peninsula remained unchallenged. The most successful campaign of Hisham led across the Pyrenees to Septimania , where in 793 an army of the Franks was defeated near Narbonne . The historian Ibn al-Athir wrote around 1230:

“In that year (793) Hisham I, the lord of al-Andalus, sent a large army under the command of Abd al-Malik b. Abd al-Wahid b. Mughith into enemy territory. They conquered Narbonne and advanced as far as Girona . He started with Girona, where there was a Frankish garrison, killed the men, destroyed the city walls and towers and supervised the conquest. From there he moved to Narbonne, did the same there and passed through the Cerdagne . He did violence to women, killed fighters and roamed the country for months, destroying the fortresses, looting and looting. He drove the fleeing past him, penetrated deep into the land and returned with a booty that only God knew. This is one of the most famous war campaigns of the Muslims of al-Andalus. "

Under Hisham I, the Malikite school of law began to spread in al-Andalus . When he died in 796, his son al-Hakam I came to the throne.


  • Arnold Hottinger : The Moors. Arabic culture in Spain. Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1995. ISBN 3-7705-3075-6
  • Stephan and Nandy Ronart: Lexicon of the Arab World. Artemis Verlag, 1972.
predecessor Office successor
Abd ar-Rahman I. Emir of Cordoba
al-Hakam I.