Bern University of the Arts

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Bern University of the Arts
founding September 1, 2003
Sponsorship state
place Bern and Biel / Bienne

SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland

director Thomas Beck
Students 1029 (December 31, 2016)

The Bern University of the Arts (HKB) is an art university with locations in Bern and Biel / Bienne ( Switzerland ). It was created in 2003 from the merger of the University of Music and Theater and the University of Design, Art and Conservation . The educational institution is one of eight departments at the Bern University of Applied Sciences .


Music Department, Papiermühlestrasse 13h (Bern)

The HKB includes the departments of Music , Design and Art , Opera / Theater , Conservation and Restoration , the Swiss Literature Institute and the Y Institute. It offers internationally recognized Bachelor - and Master - courses at. Since 2006, it has been possible to train as an author in the “Swiss Literature Institute” department.

Well-known graduates

The HKB or its predecessor institutions such as the Bern Conservatory and the Bern University of Music and Theater have trained many well-known actors. Some have devoted themselves to the medium of theater or film in other ways, for example as a writer or director .

Bern Conservatory (1965–1990)

Bern University of the Arts (since 2003)

Swiss Literature Institute (since 2006)


See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bern University of the Arts. Bern University of Applied Sciences, accessed on June 23, 2013 .

Coordinates: 46 ° 56 '48.1 "  N , 7 ° 23' 28.4"  E ; CH1903:  596391  /  199513