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Spoken in


Ilm Thuringian is a Thuringian dialect that is spoken in the Katzhütte - Rudolstadt - Jena - Stadtroda - Nebra - Weimar - Stadtilm - Gehren area. It got its name from the river Ilm , which marks roughly the western border of the language area. The eastern border is marked by the Saale / Schwarza . In the north the language area extends to the Unstrut , in the south to the Rennsteig . The dialect area roughly corresponds to the northern part of the historical county of Weimar-Orlamünde and the eastern suzerainty of the county of Schwarzburg . Together with the neighboring Central Thuringian dialects to the west , the Ilmthuringian dialects form the historical core of the Thuringian-Upper Saxon dialects.

Distribution area of ​​the Thuringian dialect (brown)


Special features are:

  • "ei" becomes "ee" (e.g. Been instead of leg)
  • "au" becomes "oo" (e.g. loofen instead of walking)
  • "g" becomes "ch" (e.g. fig instead of fig)
  • "ig" (especially at the end of the word) becomes "sch" (e.g. drecksch instead of dirty)
  • "isch" (at the end of the word) becomes "sch" (e.g. Russian instead of Russian)
  • Abbreviations of words (e.g. mal becomes ma)
  • only becomes ner (e.g. go only times becomes to go ner times)

The poems of the authors Anton Sommer and August Ludwig are written in this dialect.

Some Ilm Thuringian vocabulary

  • äbich (to the left, the wrong way around e.g. De Sogge is äbich: the sock is the wrong way round)
  • old drunk (marks the hangover after a night of partying)
  • Babuschen (slippers) in the south well Fossbsche called
  • tampering (hanging down: the branch tambles on the tree; means it is loose and will soon fall down)
  • dürrneckscht (very thin, emaciated: a dürrneckschtes model)
  • jacking (the branch jacks into my window; sticking out, being in the way)
  • Gieke (a dull old knife)
  • pestering (stabbing someone with sticks or sharp objects, in a figurative sense: picking on someone, annoying someone)
  • ´s Gewettr ziit drämnewag (the thunderstorm passes over it)
  • ufferhimne nüben (over there)
  • ufferane nuff (on there / up there / up)
  • mess around (down around, dirty pants)
  • nunger jeklatsch (fallen down)
  • 'r laifts ninger drain (he runs after)
  • How are Es'sch shouted? How mar's speaks. (How is vinegar written? Well how to say it.)
  • nippernäpscht (small, too small: your T-shirt is pretty nippernäpscht!)
  • Rempfchen (edge ​​of bread, cut)
  • Zewwe (toe)
  • You host awer och keen remember! (You can't remember anything!)
  • still on digits (a little more)
  • gink wack! (Get lost!)
  • Schwinzbelz (someone who spills sth., Spills, etc.)
  • simmer ne baal drümmne? (are we there soon?)
  • Rettl (branch / stick, an approximately 12 cm long roll can be sprinkled with caraway seeds and salt)
  • demmeln (step)
  • umne (above), ongne (below)
  • It's thrilling! (It's raining cats and dogs !) - Central Thuringian: It's bad !; Northeast Thuringian : It's clapping!
  • Hornzche (disparaging for tools or devices of poor quality, e.g. blunt or crooked knife)
  • oh hien (don't tell stories like that)

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