Pskov initiative

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The Pskow initiative in the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland eV is a member of the Diaconal Work of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland . She is committed to German-Russian reconciliation work by supporting and implementing projects in the Russian city of Pskow in the areas of work for the disabled, social affairs, education, handicrafts, culture and the church. Her most important projects include the Pskow curative education center and the workshop for disabled people, which, together with the early intervention center, support people with disabilities from birth to old age.


Curative education center

The Pskow Curative Education Center was completed in 1993 and is a school for around 50 severely and severely multiple handicapped children aged five to eighteen. Worn and built by the Protestant parish of Wassenberg , it was the first center of its kind for all of Russia, and is still doing pioneering work in Russian disabled work today. In cooperation with the Pskow University of Education, the center has developed a curriculum for curative education that has become the standard for all of Russia.

Workshop for disabled people

In 2001 the workshop for handicapped people was founded in order to offer the school leavers of the curative education center and other adults a perspective. The meanwhile 130 employees work in carpentry, tailoring and gardening.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Short chronology of the Pskov initiative. In: Archived from the original on January 24, 2012 ; accessed on December 6, 2018 .
  2. Dieter Bach: I saw into your heart: German-Russian encounters; published on the occasion of the 1100th anniversary of the city of Pskov. Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2003, ISBN 3-89861-215-5 .