International Coke Convention

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The International Coke Convention was an agreement concluded in March 1937 between the German Reich , the United Kingdom , the Kingdom of the Netherlands , the Polish Republic and the Kingdom of Belgium to create a cartel for the export of coke and came into force in April 1937.

The agreement

Export quotas of the individual countries for Europe
Country Rate in%
Germany 48.43
England 20.88
Poland 3.2
Belgium 9.66
Holland 17.83

The agreement stipulated the share of the European market for each country in which it regulated the provisions of the "International Coke Association". This cartel was provisionally founded in July 1936 by exporters from the participating states. Minimum prices were set for this.

The agreement was negotiated for months. Most of the British coal producers were against an economic understanding with their foreign competitors, they were forced to consent by the British government.

The executive body was a company called “The International Coke Convention” with its seat in Brussels . Penalties were set for exceeding or not complying with quotas and minimum prices.

The coal industrialist Paul Silverberg attributed the difficulties of a German-English cartel formation in coal mining to the close connection between the profitability of English shipping and the level of coal exports. If coal exports fall, many English ships have to sail out with ballast if they want to bring goods to England.

The Coke Convention was celebrated together with the International Steel Cartel as “models” of German-British cooperation. They formed the basis for the Düsseldorf Agreement .

The Coke Convention was in effect for 3 years until March 31, 1940.


  • Volkmar Muthesius: Ruhrkohle 1893 - 1943. From the history of the Rheinisch-Westfälischen coal syndicate . Essen Publishing House, Essen 1943, p. 220 f.
  • Bernd Jürgen Wendt: Economic Appeasement. Trade and finance in British policy on Germany 1933–1939 . Bertelsmann Universitätsverlag, Düsseldorf 1971, p. 546.

Individual evidence

  1. Muthesius, p. 220 f.
  2. ^ Paul Silverberg : Speech "Questions of the international coal and power industry", given in front of the Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft in Zurich on January 8, 1930. Printed in: Franz Mariaux (Ed.): Paul Silverberg, Reden und Schriften. Cologne 1951, p. 141 f.

See also