International Association for the Defense of Persecuted Artists Around the World

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The International Association for the Defense of Persecuted Artists around the World (French: Association internationale de défense des artistes de la répression dans le monde ; AIDA for short) was an association for the protection of persecuted artists.


The reason for the founding was the trial of the writer Václav Havel , at the time the most prominent signatory of Charter 77 , who received four and a half years imprisonment in 1977 for “activities that endanger the state”.

The French theater and opera director Patrice Chéreau was present at the trial against Havel . During the trial, secretly prepared stenographic reports about the course of the negotiations were leaked to him, which he then took with him to Paris. There he conferred with Ariane Mnouchkine , founder and director of the Théâtre du Soleil . The decision was made to first of all prepare the minutes of the negotiation for a scenic representation. AIDA was founded with the performance at Mnouchkines Theater in October 1979.

A few months later, shortly after the performance in Munich, in which actors like Simone Signoret and Hans-Christian Blech took part, a German section of AIDA was constituted.

The focus of the work of the French section was the criticism of the human rights violations of the Islamic Salvation Front in Algeria as well as the French Algeria and refugee policy.


The association is the publisher of several books, one of which has also been translated into German:

  • Ariane Mnouchkine, Hans Georg Berger u. a .: The trial against the writer Wei Jingsheng. Published by AIDA Translation from the French by Hans Georg Berger. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1986, ISBN 3-499-1-5883-3

Web links


  • Jenny S. Spencer: Staging Resistance: Essays on Political Theater . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998, ISBN 0-472-09671-0 , pp. 62 ff., Online