International Year of Biodiversity

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Coral reef on the north coast of East Timor with stone and leather corals . The high biodiversity in the reefs is threatened by coral bleaching .

The UN General Assembly has the year on 20 December 2006 in 2010 for the International Year of Biodiversity and Biodiversity (International Youth Library) explained. The secretariat of the Convention on Biodiversity CBD was commissioned with the coordination .


With the IYC, the General Assembly of the United Nations would like to raise the political and public awareness of the importance of biological diversity and the consequences of its loss - also for human well-being and global economic development.


As the current chair of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Germany is hosting the global kick-off event for the International Year of Biological Diversity . On January 10, 2010, the IJB was officially opened as part of an event with a. Chancellor Angela Merkel, Federal Environment Minister Norbert Röttgen and the Executive Director of the UN Environment Program Achim Steiner opened at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin .


Organizations from science and administration, non-governmental organizations, associations and companies are involved in the International Year of Biodiversity for the preservation and for increasing awareness of the importance of biodiversity and its ecosystem services . The activities are coordinated by the Biodiversity Forum of the Academy of Natural Sciences and the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN .

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