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As intertriginous (from latin : inter - between; trigon - delta) are the body surface referred to in which closely spaced regions, partly directly opposite areas of the skin continuously contact each other or come in certain positions or joint positions.

As intertrigines , skin areas u. a. in the armpit , in the groin region , in the hollow of the knee , in the gluteal folds , in the genital area and below the female breast , as well as between the fingers and between the toes.

Intertriginous areas of the skin are particularly prone to infection . The often increased skin moisture there is associated with a correspondingly increased density of germ colonization (see skin flora ). By welding exposure and friction there is also easy for swelling and erosion of the top layers of skin, which facilitates access pathogens.

See also


  • Josef Smolle , Frank H. Mader: 1.4 Skin type and regional differences - intertrigo regions and genitals . In: Consultation problem skin . 2nd Edition. Springer, 2005, ISBN 3-540-26897-9 , pp. 33–34 ( limited preview in Google Book search).

Individual evidence

  1. a b Entry on Intertriginös in Flexikon , a Wiki of the DocCheck company , accessed on November 9, 2008.