Irene Vorrink

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Irene Vorrink (1979)

Irene Vorrink (born January 7, 1918 in The Hague ; † August 21, 1996 in Leek , Groningen province ) was a Dutch politician in the Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA), which from 1969 to 1973 was a member of the First Chamber of the States General and in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Joop den Uyl was from 1973 to 1977 Minister for Public Health and environmental protection. Within the PvdA, the daughter of the politician Koos Vorrink was one of the representatives of the “New Left” (Nieuw Links”) as well as the advocates for women's emancipation and introduced the first draft laws on environmental protection. As Minister of Health, she campaigned for drug policy liberalization , making a greater distinction between hard and soft drugs . Furthermore, as Minister of Health, she spoke out against the decision by Justice Minister Dries van Agt to close the Bloemenhove abortion clinic .


Studies and professional career

Irene Vorrink whose father was Koos Vorrink 1935-1940 Chairman of the Sociaal Democratische Arbeiders Partij (SDAP), began after the visit of the public Barlaeus Gymnasium in Amsterdam a degree in Dutch Law at the University of Amsterdam , she on March 3 Finished in 1943. After she was initially some years secretary in the party her father's office and 1948-1949 editor in the Amsterdam office of the News Agency Associated Press (AP), before 1949-1954 assistant in the Secretariat of the 1946 founded Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA ) was.

She then worked from 1954 to 1961 as a legal assistant at the Joint Administrative Office GAK (Gemeentelijk Administratie Kantoor) in Amsterdam, an institution that carries out social security tasks. She then acted from June 1, 1961 to November 1, 1963 as head of the office of the Appeals and Civil Court of Utrecht and then until 1969 as the head of the office of the Appeal and Civil Court of Amsterdam, before becoming Vice-President between 1969 and May 1973 of the Appeals and Civil Court of Amsterdam.

Senator and Minister

On September 16, 1969, Irene Vorrink became a member of the First Chamber of the States General as a candidate of the PvdA and was thus a senator until May 11, 1973. In addition, the representatives of the “New Left” (Nieuw Links”) chaired the local association of the PvdA from Amsterdam-South I and from March 7, 1969 to February 4, 1971 a member of the PvdA's executive committee.

Subsequently, on May 11, 1973, she was appointed by Prime Minister Joop den Uyl as Minister for Public Health and Environmental Protection (Minister van Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne) in his cabinet, to which she was a member until December 19, 1977. During this time, the advocate for women's emancipation introduced the first bills on environmental protection. As Minister of Health, she campaigned for drug policy liberalization, making a greater distinction between hard and soft drugs. Furthermore, as Minister of Health, she spoke out against the decision by Justice Minister Dries van Agt to close the Bloemenhove abortion clinic .

After leaving the government, Irene Vorrink was appointed Wethouder ( Wethouder ) for public health, environmental protection, art affairs and women's emancipation in Amsterdam on September 6, 1978 , but resigned from this office after less than a year on September 1, 1979. She was one of the closest employees of the then mayor of Amsterdam Wim Polak .

She later acted as a board member of the Social Insurance Council SVR (Sociale Verzekeringsraad) since February 16, 1982 and, since July 1982, also as a deputy board member of the Social-Economic Council SER ( Sociaal-Economische Raad ) .

Web links

Commons : Irene Vorrink  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
  • CV in Parlement & Politiek